EU peníze středním školám Název vzdělávacího materiálu: C1 – Verbs – Phrasal verbs - OFF Číslo vzdělávacího materiálu: ICT13-19 Šablona: III/2 Inovace a zkvalitnění výuky prostřednictvím ICT. Název sady vzdělávacích materiálů:ICT13 – AJ sloves (slovesa, fráz. slovesa, slovní spojení) ve 20 tématech pro úroveň C1 Autor: Jaroslava Tůmová Datum vytvoření: Garant (kontrola):Marie Zajíčková Ročník: Vyšší gymnázium (4. ročník) Vzdělávací oblast: Jazyk a jazyková komunikace Vzdělávací obor: Anglický jazyk Téma: Slovní zásoba Metodika/anotace:Frázová slovesa s částicí „OFF“ – osvojení a procvičování Časový rozvrh:30 minut Zdroje: ( Možné uvést v závěru) viz. poslední slide Gymnázium Františka Křižíka a základní škola, s.r.o.
Phrasal verbs - OFF C1
Verbs to practise: buy off cordon off get offgo off head offknock offlay offstop off take offwrite off
Can you guess the meaning of the following phrasal verbs?
buy off
They tried to buy the guard at the bank off but he told the police and the gang was arrested.
buy off They tried to buy the guard at the bank off but he told the police and the gang was arrested. to pay someone so that they do not cause you any trouble
cordon off
They've cordoned off the whole area because of a suspected bomb.
cordon off They've cordoned off the whole area because of a suspected bomb. If people in authority, such as the police, cordon off a building or area, they put something around it in order to stop people from entering it
get off
How early can you get off this afternoon?
get off How early can you get off this afternoon? to leave work with permission, usually at the end of the day
go off
This bacon smells a bit funny - do you think it's gone off?
go off This bacon smells a bit funny - do you think it's gone off? if food or drink goes off, it is not good to eat or drink any more because it is too old
head off
What time are you heading off?
head off What time are you heading off? to start a journey or leave a place
knock off
I don't knock off until six.
knock off I don't knock off until six. to stop working, usually at the end of the day
lay off
Because of falling orders, the company has been forced to lay off several hundred workers.
lay off Because of falling orders, the company has been forced to lay off several hundred workers. to stop employing someone, usually because there is no work for them
stop off
I'll stop off at the shops on my way home and get some wine.
stop off I'll stop off at the shops on my way home and get some wine. to visit or stay at a place for a short time when you are going somewhere else
take off
Her singing career had just begun to take off.
take off Her singing career had just begun to take off. to suddenly start to be successful or popular
write off
His car was completely written off in the accident.
write off His car was completely written off in the accident. to damage a vehicle so badly that it cannot be repaired
We ___ off early on Fridays. The gangster tried to ___ off the jury. Her business has really ___ off. Do you want to ___ off early tonight? We ___ off in town on the way to Jenni's house. I think this fish has ___ off. The police ___ off the area where the gunman was. We should be ___ off soon. He thought the teachers had ___ him off. They've had to cut back production and ___ off workers.
We ___ off early on Fridays.GET The gangster tried to ___ off the jury. Her business has really ___ off. Do you want to ___ off early tonight? We ___ off in town on the way to Jenni's house. I think this fish has ___ off. The police ___ off the area where the gunman was. We should be ___ off soon. He thought the teachers had ___ him off. They've had to cut back production and ___ off workers.
We ___ off early on Fridays.GET The gangster tried to ___ off the jury.BUY Her business has really ___ off. Do you want to ___ off early tonight? We ___ off in town on the way to Jenni's house. I think this fish has ___ off. The police ___ off the area where the gunman was. We should be ___ off soon. He thought the teachers had ___ him off. They've had to cut back production and ___ off workers.
We ___ off early on Fridays.GET The gangster tried to ___ off the jury.BUY Her business has really ___ off.TAKEN Do you want to ___ off early tonight? We ___ off in town on the way to Jenni's house. I think this fish has ___ off. The police ___ off the area where the gunman was. We should be ___ off soon. He thought the teachers had ___ him off. They've had to cut back production and ___ off workers.
We ___ off early on Fridays.GET The gangster tried to ___ off the jury.BUY Her business has really ___ off.TAKEN Do you want to ___ off early tonight?KNOCK We ___ off in town on the way to Jenni's house. I think this fish has ___ off. The police ___ off the area where the gunman was. We should be ___ off soon. He thought the teachers had ___ him off. They've had to cut back production and ___ off workers.
We ___ off early on Fridays.GET The gangster tried to ___ off the jury.BUY Her business has really ___ off.TAKEN Do you want to ___ off early tonight?KNOCK We ___ off in town on the way to Jenni's house.STOPPED I think this fish has ___ off. The police ___ off the area where the gunman was. We should be ___ off soon. He thought the teachers had ___ him off. They've had to cut back production and ___ off workers.
We ___ off early on Fridays.GET The gangster tried to ___ off the jury.BUY Her business has really ___ off.TAKEN Do you want to ___ off early tonight?KNOCK We ___ off in town on the way to Jenni's house.STOPPED I think this fish has ___ off.GONE The police ___ off the area where the gunman was. We should be ___ off soon. He thought the teachers had ___ him off. They've had to cut back production and ___ off workers.
We ___ off early on Fridays.GET The gangster tried to ___ off the jury.BUY Her business has really ___ off.TAKEN Do you want to ___ off early tonight?KNOCK We ___ off in town on the way to Jenni's house.STOPPED I think this fish has ___ off.GONE The police ___ off the area where the gunman was.CORDONED We should be ___ off soon. He thought the teachers had ___ him off. They've had to cut back production and ___ off workers.
We ___ off early on Fridays.GET The gangster tried to ___ off the jury.BUY Her business has really ___ off.TAKEN Do you want to ___ off early tonight?KNOCK We ___ off in town on the way to Jenni's house.STOPPED I think this fish has ___ off.GONE The police ___ off the area where the gunman was.CORDONED We should be ___ off soon.HEADING He thought the teachers had ___ him off. They've had to cut back production and ___ off workers.
We ___ off early on Fridays.GET The gangster tried to ___ off the jury.BUY Her business has really ___ off.TAKEN Do you want to ___ off early tonight?KNOCK We ___ off in town on the way to Jenni's house.STOPPED I think this fish has ___ off.GONE The police ___ off the area where the gunman was.CORDONED We should be ___ off soon.HEADING He thought the teachers had ___ him off.WRITTEN They've had to cut back production and ___ off workers.
We ___ off early on Fridays.GET The gangster tried to ___ off the jury.BUY Her business has really ___ off.TAKEN Do you want to ___ off early tonight?KNOCK We ___ off in town on the way to Jenni's house.STOPPED I think this fish has ___ off.GONE The police ___ off the area where the gunman was.CORDONED We should be ___ off soon.HEADING He thought the teachers had ___ him off.WRITTEN They've had to cut back production and ___ off workers.LAY
buy off cordon off get offgo off head offknock offlay offstop off take offwrite off Can you find Czech equivalents?
buy off cordon off get offgo off head offknock offlay offstop off take offwrite off Prepare a dialogue using:
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