The world’s oceans are dying. Humans are dumping hundreds of thousands of tons of garbage and plastic in the ocean every day.
In particular, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (which is one of the largest trash depositories in the world), has gone from a marine ecosystem teeming with life to an uninhabitable cesspool.
Due to human waste, animals and other marine species are dying off at an alarming rate. Sea turtles and seagulls feel this the most.
A sea turtle’s favorite snack is a jellyfish. They see something in the water and it might mean a tasty snack. Unfortunately, it is a plastic bag. And although it may look like a big, juicy jelly, it actually chokes the sea turtles and kills them.
Seagulls are no better off than their fellow marine friends. When a gull goes down to dive and catch a fish, its neck may get caught on a plastic ring. The gull may even think that it is a fish and eat it. Either way, the results aren’t good.
Thankfully, some groups have awoken to this problem, and have tried to help the oceans through different methods…
whether on a boat…
or in SCUBA gear…
The time to make a change is now. Our planet is dying, and unless we fix it, we’ll go down with it. Take a stand now.
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Credits PowerPoint Presentation: Michael Frederick Pictures: [As Cited] Song: “Earth Song” by Michael Jackson Banner (Closing Slide): Michael Frederick