My husband is also my son. Gaea
Perseus rescued me and I became his loving wife. Andromeda
I liked my pet turtle a lot until it ate me as a snack. Sciron
Kronos swallowed a stone instead of swallowing me. Zeus
I’m embarrassed by my donkey-like ears. Midas
I am thrilled to discover that Theseus has my secret sword. Aegeus
My mom gave birth to me while locked all alone in a brass tower Perseus
My curiosity to see the beautiful Eurydice led to her death as she ran away from me and into a bed of snakes. Aristeus
Aphrodite punishes me for turning down Echo’s romantic advances. Narcissus
My wife gave birth to a half-man/half-bull baby. I don’t like to talk about it. Minos
I am the “pine bender.” Pitocamptes
Aphrodite did me a favor and turned me into vapor. Echo
I punish the whole world when my daughter is taken from me. Demeter
I’m not the smartest mom; I allowed my husband to swallow most of my kids. Rhea
I am the god of love and desire. Eros
I am emptiness; everything came out of me. Chaos.
Zeus visited me when I was trapped in a bronze tower. Danae.
I am Theseus’ biological father. Poseidon.
I made the roads into Athens safe for travelers. Theseus.
I just can’t resist the tangy tartness of pomegranate seeds. Persephone.
I am the first villain killed on the road to Athens. I was bashed by my own club. Corynetes.
I am the west wind, often serving as Eros’ taxi service.. Zephyrus.
I can’t help that I have snakes for hair; I was cursed by Athena. Medusa.
I was strapped to my own torture bed before my legs and head were chopped off. Procrustes.
We are the three sisters tormented for a while by Perseus. Gray Sisters.
I ate my children. Kronos.
My wife was very angry with me after imprisoning my children in Tartarus. Uranus.
I couldn’t resist the temptation to look back at my wife as we left the underworld, and I lost her forever. Orpheus.
Her marriage is a little difficult because her husband is invisible. Psyche.
I am Persephone’s father. Zeus.
I pushed someone off a cliff, but I’m a good inventor. Daedalus.
When I was little, I played with mechanical dolls made by Daedalus. Ariadne.
Wife of Zeus. Hera.
Punishes Midas but later shows mercy. Apollo.
Born from the foam of the sea. Aphrodite.
Flies too close to the sun and drowns in the sea. Icarus.
When I opened my jar and released all the worlds troubles, the only thing left was hope. Pandora.
God of the underworld. Hades.