Protein Structures & Physical Background of Their Natural Selection Structures Selection
Efimov’s “trees”
We do not see difference of folds of globular proteins of pro- and eukariotes. However, we see that eukariotic proteins are larger, contain more domains, and are more modified. Adaptive evolution of protein structures: Microscopic adaptive changes; Domain duplication an divergence.
EMPIRICAL RULES for FREQUENT FOLDS and structures, right-handed separate and layers superhelices no large (360-degree) turns no loop crossing Lost H-bonds: defect!
Unusual fold (no , almost no structure) Special sequence (very many S-S bonds) RARE FOLDS, e.g.:
-sheet: INSIDE
Unusual fold (GFP)
What is better: inside or inside? N>150
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Miller,Janin,Chothia1984 Example:Smallproteindetails
THEORYClosedsystem:energy E = const CONSIDER: 1 state of “small part” with & all states of thermostat with E- . M(E- ) = 1 M th (E- ) S t (E- ) = k ln[M t (E- )] S t (E) - (dS t /dE)| E M t (E- ) = exp[S t (E)/k] exp[- (dS t /dE)| E /k] WHAT IS “TEMPERATURE”? S ~ ln[M] Thus: (dS t /dE)| E = 1/ T; d[ln(M t )]/dE = 1/kT
Protein structure is stable, if its free energy is below some threshold For example: below that of completely unfolded chain; or: below that of any other globular structure
“Multitude principle” for physical selection of folds of globular proteins (“designability”): the more sequences fit the given architecture without disturbing its stability, the higher the occurrence of this architecture in natural proteins.
Hydrophobic patterns necessary for secondary structures Secondary structure patterns ( 3 turns, as in globular proteins) are randomly formed in random sequences