TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION Unit 3. Using Word-processors for English Teaching and Learning Senior Lecturer: HỒ QUẢNG HÀ - M.A, M.Ed Contact:
Unit 3: WORD PROCESSING IN LANGUAGE LEARNING MAIN POINTS OF TODAY’S LESSONS 1.What are common word processors? 2.In what ways can word processors help us to study English more effectively? 3.Practice using word processors to improve our study and work.
Unit 3: WORD PROCESSING IN LANGUAGE LEARNING COMMON WORD PROCESSORS 1.Microsoft Word. 2.Open-source applications such as Writer, AbiWord, KWord, LyX. 3.Online word processors such as Google Docs and Zoho Writer …
Unit 3: WORD PROCESSING IN LANGUAGE LEARNING There are 4 main uses: 1.Improving vocabulary and writing. ▫ Looking up synonyms and antonyms to words as you type 2. Checking spelling and grammar. 3. Editing written works. The Track Changes features Keep a record of formatting changes, text insertions and deletions, and comments made by multiple editors. 4. Creating Test Forms, Quizzes and Questionnaires.
Unit 3: WORD PROCESSING IN LANGUAGE LEARNING Now, let’s study each of these functionalities of Word. 1. Improving vocabulary and writing with word processors (Looking up synonyms and antonyms to words as you type) HOW? Choose "Language" from the "Tools" menu and then "Thesaurus." (You can also press Shift+F7 key simultaneously)
Unit 3: WORD PROCESSING IN LANGUAGE LEARNING PRACTICE Use Thesaurus utility in MS Word to find the synonyms and antonyms of the underlined words in the following text. By the late 1970s, the audio-lingual method fell into disrepute, at least in part due to poor results achieved from expensive language laboratories. Whether in the lab or in the classroom, repetitive drills which focused only on language form and ignored communicative meaning achieved poor results. The 1980s and 1990s have seen a full- scale shift in the direction of communicative language teaching, with an emphasis on student engagement with authentic, meaningful, contextualized discourse. Within this general communicative trend, we can note two distinct perspectives, both of which have their implications in terms of how to integrate technology into the classroom. These can roughly be divided into cognitive approaches and socio-cognitive approaches.
Unit 3: WORD PROCESSING IN LANGUAGE LEARNING 2. Checking spelling and grammar using word processors. HOW? 1.From the Tools menu, select Options... The Options dialog box appears. 2.Select the Spelling & Grammar tab 3.Under Spelling, select Check spelling as you type 4.Click OK Misspelled words appear underlined with a wavy red line. NOTE: This feature marks spelling errors; it does not correct them. Do the same for checking grammar except that you select “Check grammar as you type” in step 3.
Unit 3: WORD PROCESSING IN LANGUAGE LEARNING 3. Editing written works using word processors. To use Track Changes: 1. Click Tools | Track Changes 2. The Reviewing Toolbar will appear with the Track Changes button highlighted (as below). Good skills in using the Track Changes will help teachers and students save time and effort in correcting written works professionally.
Unit 3: WORD PROCESSING IN LANGUAGE LEARNING Example of edited writing using Track Changes
Unit 3: WORD PROCESSING IN LANGUAGE LEARNING PRACTICE: First, copy the following text into MS Word. After that, use Word to edit the text. You should refer to the previous slide as an example. “Every age and country has held views on the appropriate education for its young men. Education often emphasized much that is traditional, but it is always translated into comtemporary terms to help prepare the citizen for life in the “modern” world. Education typically centre on three aspects of the person’s life: his intellect, his body, his spirit. Sometimes, the development of ths mind or intellect is stressed to the exclusion of the other aspecte. We may be in such a period now in most countries of the world when education in science and technology is viewed as the primary education of a man in periods or places of physical strife the development of the body is seen as the primary neccessity for survival. The great periods of exploration and migration emphasized man’s physical nature. More tranquil times and places encouraged the education of the citizentry toward the spiritual life. Many of the great religious movements and writings are the result of such education. Although education frequently includes much that is traditional it frequently reinterpretes tradition to enable its men and women to meet the modern world on its own terms.”
Unit 3: WORD PROCESSING IN LANGUAGE LEARNING 4. Creating Test Forms, Quizzes and Questionnaires HOW? 1.Open the forms toolbar 2.Inserting form fields for text: This is typically used for names, grades etc. 3.Inserting the check box form field e.g. gender: male, female 4.Insert a dropdown menu bookmark e.g. Age and Subjects /Learning Area 5.Inserting the question: Insert the required questions and choose if you want to use a dropdown, checkbox or text form field. 6.Protecting your form 7.Spell check your document 8.Save your document
Unit 3: WORD PROCESSING IN LANGUAGE LEARNING HOMEWORK Now, please do the practice for using Word to create interactive exercises in your textbook. Save your work on a USB and bring it to class next meeting for review.
PREPARATION FOR NEXT MEETING DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. What is Hotpotatoes? Can you tell some good features of this software? 2. Describe some main steps for creating exercises using Hotpotatoes. 3. What tips should be followed to create exercises with Hotpotatoes successfully. 4. How can we link all the Hotpotatoes exercises? Have you done the Practice for Hotpotatoes in your textbook? If not, do it as soon as possible.