H OW P LANNING H ELPS Careers Ch 5 Planning Your Career
W HY P LAN ? Helps you organize your activities and manage your time. Helps you remember events Helps you prioritize – put tasks in order Helps you reach your goals – gives you a feeling of accomplishment
W HAT GOES INTO A PLAN Education and Training Make sure you know how you will pay for your education Planning the Jobs Along the Way Part-time Jobs Temporary job Career Research Be prepared to be flexible
O N THE JOB TRAINING Paid on-site instruction in how to perform a particular job. It may consist of a few days of orientation for new employees or more long-term instruction to help workers keep up with industry changes
A PPRENTICESHIP Learning how to do a job through hands-on experience in that job under the guidance of a skilled worker. Construction and manufacturing workers commonly train as apprentices.
V OCATIONAL - TECHNICAL CENTERS Schools offering a variety of skills-training programs, such as courses in automotive or computer technology.
T RADE SCHOOLS Privately run schools that train students for a particular profession such as a chef or hairstylist. Trade schools are more expensive that vocational-technical centers.
C OMMUNITY AND T ECHNICAL C OLLEGES Colleges that offer two-year associate degree programs and certification programs in occupations such as accountant and desktop publisher. Credits can be transferred to a four- year college or university.
F OUR -Y EAR C OLLEGES AND U NIVERSITIES Schools that offer a bachelor’s degree for four years of study. Careers such as teaching and physical therapy require bachelor’s degrees. Postgraduate education is study after the completion of a bachelor’s degree.
M ILITARY S ERVICE Education and training offered by the U.S. government in exchange for service in a branch of the military. Training is given in more than 200 different jobs, including health technician and air traffic controller.
C ONTINUING E DUCATION Programs for adult students offered by high schools, colleges, and universities. These courses help adults complete education, brush up on old skills, and pursue new interests.
D ISTANCE E DUCATION Online classes (sometimes called satellite classes) for specific training or for credit towards a degree. Offered by all types of education providers. Allows students more flexibility in geography and time.
OptionsPossible Job 1. On-the-job Training1. 2. Apprenticeship2. 3. Vocational-Technical Centers3. 4. Trade Schools4. 5. Community and Technical College Four-Year Colleges and Universities Military Service7. 8. Continuing Education8. 9. Distance Education9. E DUCATION AND TRAINING ALTERNATIVES