Welcome to Miss Hagy’s 2 nd Grade!
Getting to Know Miss Hagy Graduated from Waynesburg University in 2014 with a Degree in Early Childhood Education and Special Education. From Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Has one brother who plays football at Cornell Is a sports lover, did track & field in college and loves to play basketball
Things you need to bring: #2 Pencils Rubber Erasers Bookbag Extra change of clothes Glue sticks 2 boxes of 24 crayons Pencil Box Wide ruled loose leaf paper 2-1 Subject spiral bound Notebooks 2-1 inch 3 ring binders 2-2 pocket folders without prongs 1-2 pocket folder with prongs 1 pair scissors Tennis Shoes for PE Clorox wipes Hand Sanitizer Kleenex
You could help by donating extra: Kleenex Hand sanitizer Anti-bacterial hand soap Paper towels Paper plates/cups Zip-lock bags (all sizes)
Things you’ll need at home: Pencils Erasers Crayons Scissors Paper Glue Sticks
Daily Schedule 7:40-8:10Morning Work/Breakfast 8:10-9:20Restroom Break/Math 9:20-9:50Whole Group Reading 9:50-10:05Snack/Restroom Break 10:05-10:20Word Work 10:20-11:05Writing 11:05-11:50Specials 11:55-12:20Lunch/Restroom Break 12:30-1:50Small Groups/Centers/AR 1:50-2:10Recess (T, W, Th) 2:10-2:45Science/Social Studies
Notes/Communication Please send any notes/communication in your child’s daily homework folder. If your child will be picked up or will be riding a different bus, please send a signed note and put it in their folder. If your child does not have a note, they will be required to follow their normal routine.
Homework Each child will have a two-pocket homework folder. Homework will be given on Monday through Thursday nights and will be sent home daily, as a means for parent-teacher communication. After your child has completed their assignments please place their homework back in their homework holder and return it to school. We will check their work and return it in their homework folders on Friday. Keep your child’s work at home. Also note that these papers do not reflect everything your child is doing in school. In early childhood education there has been a shift from straight pencil and paper work to a much more hand-on approach. Your child will learn from doing in our classroom. Please stop by and visit us so that you can get a more complete picture of your child’s learning activities. Also, any notes or forms that need to be signed and returned to school will be included in the homework folder. If you send a note, money or completed form to school please put it in your child’s homework folder.
$ Money $ When you send money to school with your child please clearly mark what the money is intended for. (ex. Lunch account)
Behavior Expectations & Consequences Your child will be expected to follow school and classroom rules. We will be charting your child’s behavior daily and putting it in their homework folder. You will need to initial the behavior chart each night and send it back to school with your child each day. Your child’s behavior chart will be tallied at the end of each nine weeks and those receiving less than 3 unhappy faces will be eligible for a citizenship award.
Reading Please monitor your child’s reading each night. They will be required to read an AR book of their choice for 15 minutes nightly. There will be parent logs that must be filled out and signed each night.
Clothing Please send in an entire change of clothing for your child in the event of an accident/spill. This will help to prevent us from having to call you away from your commitments.
Safety * Remember to stop by the front office to get a visitor’s pass before coming down to the classroom. This is for your child’s safety and the safety of others.
Attendance & Tardy Policy Please read the new attendance and tardy policy carefully, as required by the Hyde County School Board and the state of NC, it will be monitored and strictly enforced.
Parents & Students, We are so excited about this school year and are thrilled to have you be a part of our classroom family. We look forward to learning a lot this year. If we all work together, there will be no limit to what we can achieve!
When you need to reach Miss. Hagy Call : Write: a note and put it in your child’s folder