Welcome to Mrs. Ericson 7 th Grade Honors Language Arts Class!
Mrs. Robyn Ericson California State University, Long Beach BA- History University of Phoenix MA- Secondary Education Certified in both English and Social Studies
How you can contact me: Tutoring Schedule: Monday & Thursday Morning 7:20-7:50 Arranged appointments
Late Work: Late work is accepted for assignments that are given a grade, but will have a grade reduction of 20% if turned in the next day. After that, the grade is reduced by 50% for one week. After one week it will not be accepted and the grade will be a zero.
Absences: Check Mrs. Ericson’s Website Missed Quiz/test inform Mrs. Ericson and arrange a time to make up the test after school. (within 1 week) Students will not be able to make up any work if they have an unexcused absence. They will get a “0” for those assignments. It is the student’s responsibility to follow up on all missing work.
Reading List: Novels The Outsiders The Narrative Life of Fredrick Douglas (excerpts) Midsummer’s Night Dream (excerpts) Castle Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry
Outside Reading Book: Students must have a book with them at all times Students are required to read an outside book Then create an assigned project and present at the end of every quarter For more information please visit my website under Outside Reading Book.
Vocabulary: Students are assigned 20 words for a two week period Quiz every other week on current words Complete the assigned practices ◦One week is a free write ◦Second week are sentences ◦Additional practices will be available on the website
Grades: Grading Policy ◦Formative 40% ◦Summative 60% ◦Homework and classwork (completion grade only)
Homework: Nightly homework ◦Trying to keep around 30 minutes ◦Time management will be a huge factor for students
My requests for parents: Check website and student grades frequently Encourage your student to be a self- advocate Please don’t text or call you child during the school day. Contact office in case of emergency. Please be mindful of attendance. Block day absences deny your child two full days of learning.
Classroom Donations: Tissues (biggest need) Hand sanitizer Highlighters Markers Glue Sticks Disinfectant Wipes