Know where it is & where it goes!
Paper Cutter Kiln Shut-Down Button Drying Rack Computer Chalkboard
Teacher’s Work Area Storage Door Kiln Door Side Room
You will need to keep your folder, sketchbook, and pencil in the room at all times.
Pencil Sharpeners Crayons, Colored Pencils, & Markers Scissors Rulers Compasses Hole Punches Stencils
Paper Tissues Hand Sanitizer Sanitizing Wipes Lotion
Books do not leave the room. If you require a copy, leave it with me to copy. Magazines may be cut or torn for use if necessary.
Clean up as needed, then move from the area to allows others to do the same. Don’t be wasteful with paper towels; any more than 3 is a waste.
Do not throw paper into the trash; recycle it! Paper towels and tissues are not recycled
Don’t leave trash on the table or floor. Clean up messes when they happen, not after they are dried or spread around.
Sit on the side of the table, not the ends. Stools must have all four legs on the floor, accidents happen easily.
Items on top of shelves you may handle. Items in the shelves, do not touch. Those are students’ projects.
Step Stool Smoke Detector