B10 Business Model Kabale Producer Area (500,000 t/a) Transport, Distribution Kampala, 400 km way Consumer Area Purchase, On Farm Communal Storage, Sorting, Grading, Weighing, Branding B10 offers basic agronomical training, supplies inputs on credit to SSF Delivery of i.pots and onions
B10 Intervention Small Scale Farmers Plant I. Pots and onions in Kabale District 400 km from the main Market in Kampala Inputs – Traditional: Land, Labour, Seeds, – New: Pesticides, Fertilizers, improved seeds Postharvest Management, Storage, Packaging, enhanced Transport
Challenges General lack of organization in the marketing chain, particularly amongst producers and this leads to considerable price instability. Due to lack of transparency and poor market structure, brokers are able to charge excessive fees for their services Farmers are reduced price takers Land degradation less harvest/a crop diseases unreliable rainfall (climate change) Hunger in Kampala with reduced irish pots and onion production, population in Kampala increasing
Solution Initiate out growers contracts with SSF Offer equitable prices for prime products Agronomical Training, supply seeds, pesticides and fertilizers on credit Communal storage at farm level Packaging, branding, transport to Kampala Market Distribute and sell to end user
Requirements Financing (US$ 160,000) Transport trucks Storage Facilities Expertise in branding, marketing Franchises Land Irrigation and greenhouse expertise Agricultural machinery and equipment Pesticides, Fertilizers, improved seeds
Proposed B10 Growth Plan
Critical Success Factors Securing startup Capital of US$ 160,000 SSF Co-operation Plant pests and diseases under control Transport logistics do not deteriorate Secure large Market Share