Speech by Queen Elizabeth I 1588 “I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England, too; and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain or any prince of Europe should dare to invade the borders of my realm; to which rather than any dishonor should grow by me, I myself will take up arms, I myself will be your general, judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues in the field.”
Absolutism The Power of Spain
The Monarchs of Europe Throughout the 1500s, global discoveries and exploration brought new wealth and prestige to Europe’s monarchs. Kings, queens, and emperors ruled with few limits on their power. Over the next 3 centuries, their power was challenged by internal problems, rebellions, and wars.
Main Idea Spain experienced a golden age during the 1500s. However, economic problems and military struggles decreased Spanish power by the 1600s.
Which 2 regions were part of the Holy Roman Empire?
The King Becomes Emperor 1516 Charles becomes King Charles I of Spain Absolute monarch-a ruler whose power was not limited by having to consult with the nobles, common people, or representatives Absolute monarchs ruled by divine right Belief that monarchs received their power from God and therefore must not be challenged
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V
Charles V and the Empire Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, American colonies 1519-Charles I buys votes to win throne of Holy Roman Empire-->Charles V Expanded possessions to parts of Italy, Austria, and German states
The Spanish Kingdoms Enemies on all sides- Ottoman Turks, French, and rebellious German princes
Spanish Kingdoms-Struggles for Charles V Fought for religious control over Europe What religious movement threatened his power as Holy Roman Emperor? (hint: leader of the Catholic Church) Protestant Reformation 1521 Charles confronted Martin Luther, outlawed him Protestant rebellions continued despite this
Who does this portray? Which religion’s propaganda is this?
Review Who was the King of Spain who became the Holy Roman Emperor? What is an absolute monarch? What were 2 problems Charles and his empire faced throughout Europe?
Peace of Augsburg 1555 Charles V had to sign this agreement to stop Catholic and Protestant wars Gave each German prince the right to decide whether his state would be Catholic or Protestant Europe never fully Catholic, wars left him bankrupt Was Charles successful in his attempts to make all of Europe part of his Catholic Empire?
Charles V in the Americas Achieved more success here than in Europe Spanish explorers claimed much of the Americas for Spain Supported Cortes (conquered Aztecs) & de Coronado (explored American southwest) Silver and gold flowed from American colonies (Bolivia, Peru, Mexico) Brought Spain wealth
Review How did the Peace of Augsburg help keep the peace in Germany? How did it hurt Charles’s goal for a Catholic Europe? Although he struggled in Europe, where did Charles have success? Why was he successful there?
Artistic Achievements Spain’s golden age,The Golden Century: Art and Literature El Greco- Greek painter Domenicos Theotocopoulos religious work reflected Spain’s role in what religious movement? Diego Velazquez-created masterpieces that portray people of all social classes with great dignity; court painter
El Greco
Velazquez Las Meninas, The Maids in Waiting 1656
Literature Miguel de Cervantes wrote Don Quixote de la Mancha Story of a man caught between the medieval and modern worlds Sister Juana Ines de la Cruz wrote poetry, prose, and plays Criticized by church officials for some of her ideas-Women had right to education
What might the colors in this portrait of Don Quixote represent?
Spain Under Philip II Spain at its peak during his reign Partially due to gold and silver from American colonies (discussed before) Problems still arose
Religion and Revolt Philip II was Catholic, therefore leader of Counter-Reformation Married Catholic Queen Mary I of England She died before she produced an heir who could have returned England to Catholicism
King Philip II and Queen Mary I
Revolt 1560 Dutch refused to declare allegiance to Catholic church Philip sent army under Duke of Alba Set up a court, the Court of Blood, to torture and kill rebels of
Spain and England England sent aid to Dutch (both Protestant) Angered Philip, worried him about his ships because of English piracy Sea dogs-English ship captains who Queen Elizabeth I was allowing to steal gold and silver from Spanish treasure ships
Sea Dogs
Spanish Armada Philip ordered his navy to assemble this great fleet. 130 ships 20,000 soldiers and sailors Sailed into English Channel in 1588 English defeat the Spanish Armada
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Empire in Decline Defeat of Spanish Armada wasn’t the end for Spain, but England was still Protestant Spain’s internal problems Too centralized, Philip trusted no one, bankrupt from warfare, inflation (high prices), no industry, economic decline Spain declined as a major power
Closing Review Questions Who was the leader of Spain during its peak? Why was there conflict between Spain and England? What was the result of the battle between the Spanish Armada and England’s navy?