Determinations / verifications under JI – Experience to date UNFCCC Technical Workshop on Joint Implementation Bonn, February 13 th, 2007 For the benefit of business and people
2 Bureau Veritas Certification
3 February 2007 THE ORGANIZATION 179 years of Business Experience Revenues over 1.6 Billion € in 2006 Over Customers Worldwide Offices in 140 Countries 600 Offices and Laboratories More than Employees today An Independent Certification Body, Bureau Veritas Certification, recognised by many States & Accreditation Bodies 1 BUREAU VERITAS CERTIFICATION
4 February 2007 THE ORGANIZATION Bureau Veritas Certification is the independent certification body of Bureau Veritas Established in 1987 More than clients worldwide More than 40 accreditations 1 BUREAU VERITAS CERTIFICATION
5 February 2007 THE ORGANIZATION General description Accredited for validation of Energy sectors (scopes 1 to 3) since 07/2005 Accredited for verification of Energy sectors (scopes 1 to 3) since 05/2006 Structure Central coordination in London, as the International Certification Center (ICC) Local delivery in Kiev, as Competence Center (CC) Resources 9 verifiers 1 specialist 1 BUREAU VERITAS CERTIFICATION
6 The determination process
7 February 2007 STEPS OF THE DETERMINATION PROCESS PDD completeness check PDD webhosting Evaluation of comments Background Investigation Site visit/meeting with consultants Issuing of Draft Determination Report CAR’s and CR’s DETERMINATION 2
8 February 2007 STEPS OF THE DETERMINATION PROCESS Resolution of CAR’s and CR’s Evaluation of proponent answers Final Draft Determination Report Internal Technical Review Final Determination Report Public availability of report BV CERTIFICATION 2
9 February 2007 DIFFERENCES TO CDM No requirement for contribution do sustainable development No requirement for local stakeholder consultations Specific national guidelines in different host Parties and potential specific requirements contained in, for example, the preliminary approval by the host Party No approval of baseline and monitoring methodologies is required Since official year for JI projects is 2008, determination process is still subject to future guidance 2 DETERMINATION
10 Determination criteria
11 February 2007 PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS The independent entity shall determine whether the host Party participates in the project (approval) The sponsor country shall be identified and the approval of the project by the host Party will be necessary for project registration The independent entity shall also determine whether the parties are in compliance with the requirements for national communication and keeping national GHG inventories 3 CRITERIA
12 February 2007 BASELINE SETTING A baseline shall be established in a transparent manner regarding the choice of approaches, assumptions, methodologies, parameters, data sources, and key factors taking account of uncertainties and using conservative assumptions on a project specific basis and/or using a multi-project emission factor taking into account relevant national and/or sectoral policies and circumstances, such as sectoral reform initiatives, local fuel availability, power sector expansion plans, and the economic situation in the project sector 3 CRITERIA
13 February 2007 ADDITIONALITY Additionality may be demonstrated by a flow-chart or series of questions that lead to a narrowing of potential baseline options a qualitative or quantitative assessment of different potential options and an indication of why the non-project option is more likely a qualitative or quantitative assessment of one or more relevant barriers facing the proposed project activity Investment barrier Technological barrier Barrier due to prevailing practice Other barriers an indication that the project type is not common practice in the proposed area of implementation, and not required by a Party’s legislation/regulations 3 CRITERIA
14 February 2007 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The independent entity shall assess whether the environmental impacts of a project are sufficiently addressed, whether the project is in line with environmental legislation, procedures and requirements defined by the host Party, and whether an environmental impact assessment is required and sufficiently carried out. 3 CRITERIA
15 February 2007 MONITORING A monitoring plan shall provide for the collection and archiving of all relevant data necessary for determining: anthropogenic emissions by sources of GHG occurring within the project boundary during the crediting period the baseline of anthropogenic emissions by sources of GHG within the project boundary during the crediting period increased anthropogenic emissions by sources of GHG outside the project boundary that are significant and reasonably attributable to the project activity during the crediting period A monitoring plan shall also provide for the collection and archiving of information related to the environmental impacts of the project The monitoring plan shall provide for: Quality assurance and control procedures Procedures for periodic calculation of the above anthropogenic emissions Documentation of all steps involved in the calculations above 3 CRITERIA
16 Conclusions
17 February 2007 CONCLUSION Experience in CDM must be adjusted to JI Methodology assessment in the learning curve Stronger role of AIE compared to DOE 4