Social Classes: Divided into three groups- Those who prayed, those who fought and those who worked Manor system: Centers for economic life. Lord controlled much of the peasants life. Often harsh. 1. Why did the people need to turn to local leaders for help? There was no strong central government 2. What are the three main groups of feudal society? 1) fought 2) Prayed 3) worked 3. What was the job of peasants on the manor? Worked the land to grow food giving part of each year’s crop to the lord, paid taxes called tithe.
Mutual ObligationsIn exchange for military protection, landowners granted fief or land. Feudal System:The structure of the system was a social class pyramid Feudal social classes:The classes of people would be ranked by a person’s prestige or power.
Serfs/Lord:The lord provided the serf with housing and protection from bandits Why did they never leave? By standing in the center of a plowed field, they could see the entire world at a glance. They weren’t allowed to leave Why did they accept economic hardships? Accepted their lot and life as part of the church’s teachings
1. EducationThe themes of medieval literature played a big role in the knighthood and feudal warfare. Weapons and equipment: Sagetowers, saddles, swords, shields, etc. War Games: Tournaments Code of Chivalry: A complex set of ideas demanded that a knight fight bravely in defense of three masters. Castle life: Busy and noisy revolving around the requirements of the lord. Romantic Love: Songs and poems were about knights undying love for a lady
Equipment: Weapons armor and horses Training: Started at the age of seven Code of conduct: Chivalry 1. What was the main duty of knights? Soldiers who fought for control of the land 2. Two examples of training? Practice fighting and learn good manners 3. Who were the troubadour’s songs about? Joys and sorrows of romantic love. 4. How were noble and poor women alike? Both had little power and took care of the families
Church structure: Sacraments Lay Investiture Holy Roman Empire Church Law: Canon Law Used excommunication (banning) Used interdiction (no sacred actions in an entire kingdom)
1. What powerful punishments could the church hand down? Excommunication Interdiction Why did Henry IV beg Pope Gregory VII for forgiveness? Because Henry’s nobles supported the person who excommunicated him. What happened to the Holy Roman Empire after Frederick I’s Death? It fell apart. Broken up into Feudal states
1. Lord 2. Vassal 3. Fief 4. Knight 5. Serf 1. D2. E3. C4. A5. B
1. Who was Clovis? Lead warriors against Germanic armies, also a Christian leader 2. Give three examples describing how Charlemagne ruled his empire? Great Ruler, Fought Muslims, Leads a revival 3. Why was life on the manor often harsh for peasants? The man class, the lard’s estates. Peasants rarely travel more than 25 miles from their manor. They work many hours a day.
What did the code of chivalry require? A complex set of ideas demanded that knight’s fight bravely in defense of three masters, landolord, lady and the lord. How did pope Gregory show his power in political affairs? Church reformers felt that kings should not have that much power. Pope Gregory VII banned lay investiture
1. The performers wanted to return to the basic principles of the Christian religion 2. Continue the policy of reform 3. Meant to inspire worshippers with the magnificence of God. 4. For help against the Muslim Turks 5. To gain control of the holy land. 6. Economic, social, and political goals. As well as religious motives. 7. Created from Edessa in the North and Jerusalem in the south. 8. Richard and Saladin agreed to a truce in 9. Heretics are people who believe religious beliefs differently than the Church. 10. The Crusades threated feudal mobility
Cathedrals Began the Age of Faith; Built in the Gothic Architecture, stained glass windows. Crusades Holy wars against the Muslims; deep religious feeling. 1. What three practices showed the Church needed reforming? The marriage of priests, simony (selling of church positions in the Church), and appointment of bishops by kings. 2. What was the new style of Church architecture? Gothic. 3. Why did people support the Crusades? Their motive was deep religious feelings. The Christians wanted to control Jerusalem and the entire Holy Land. 4. What was the Reconquista? A long fight that was fought between the Muslims and the Christians to drive out the Muslims from Spain. 5. How did the use of the Vernacular help spread learning? They were able to bring literature to many people
1. Horses gradually replaced oxen for plowing and for pulling wagons. 2. Food production increased. Less diseases and living longer. 3. Better local and long-distance trade. More powerful and wealth to the medieval economy. 4. More goods became available. Increase in markets and firms and many other services. 5. The small towns became more powerful.
6. The serfs, now free people, make better lives for themselves. 7. Some wrote masterpieces that are still read today. 8. Brought new ideas and forms of expression began to flow out of Universities 9. They had debates, new ideas on law and government and created new traditions.
1. The Normans won over 4/5 of England. 2. Sending royal judges to every part of England at least once a year. 3. Creating the common law. 4. Guaranteed certain political rights, and limited the king’s power. 5. Created a French appeals court. 6. It weakened the Great lands and provided a check on royal power.
1066: King Edward died and the Battle of Hastings occurred 1215: The Magna Carta is created and signed. 1295: King Edward I creates a parliament 1302: King Philip IV was involved in a quarrel with the Pope 1. Who invaded England before the William the Conqueror? The Danish Vikings 2. Why was the Magna Carta important? It put limits on the power of the King, and protected the power of nobles. 3. How did the kings of France gain more control over their subjects? Creating a stronger central government
: Pope Benedict died causing Pope Urban IX and Clement III to fight for power. : the Council of Constance forced them to resign 3. 4.Asia: it spread when infected rates came to France on trade boats and routes. 5. Less trade, manors abandoned, church lost power and money, population declined, prices increased, peasants demanded higher wages. 6. People prayed that God would heal the sick, when nothing happened people left the church and the church lost power.
7. King Phillip died allowing Edward III to declare war in France 8. Joan of arc was killed, victory for France, no more Feudalism. 9. Feudalism ended, and more people lived in towns. Territory changed.
1305: a new pope led the church. 1337: Edward III began a war to win control of France. 1378: The French pope died 1429: Joan of arc arrived and led an army of France to victory 1443: The Hundred years war ended 1. What was the Great Schism? Church officials had two pope’s 2. Name three effects of the plague: trade declined, prices rose, towns became smaller 3. What role did Joan of Arc play in the Hundred year’s war? Joan led an army of France to Victory
1. Guild 2. Commercial Revolution 3. Vernacular 4. Thomas Aquinas 5. Scholastics 1. d2. e3. b4. a. 5. c
1. Christian knights raised a religious war against Muslims for Jerusalem in attempt to reclaim the Holy land. 2. Change in trading and buying/selling. Opened banks, used loans, and cash exchange. 3. It served as a model for later kings. Provided a check on royal power. 4. Town populations fell, trade declined/prices rose. Serfs left the manor in search of better wages, nobles resisted peasant demands for higher wages causing revolts, Jews were blamed for the plague and were massacred, Church suffered a loss of prestige 5. The English wanted control over a portion of France