SPECIALIZED TYPES OF ORGANIZATIONS Drew Porter accompanied by Daniel
JOINT VENTURES Definition- An agreement among two or more businesses to work together to provide a good or service. Example- The agreement between Microsoft Corporation and General Electric in the forming of Caradigm, a health IT company.
VIRTUAL CORPORATION Definition- A network of companies that form alliances among themselves as needed to take advantage of fast changing market conditions. Examples- The agreements between IBM, Apple, and Motorola to develop an operating system for a new generation of computers.
COOPERATIVE Definition- A business owned and operated by its user-members for the purpose of supplying themselves with goods and services. Example- Recreational Equipment, Inc. is a consumer owned cooperative that sells outdoor recreation gear.
LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES Definition- a special type of corporation allowed by states that are taxed as if they were a sole proprietorship. Example- There are no specific examples as It could be a multitude of businesses, and it just depends on the agreement of the parties involved.
NON-PROFIT CORPORATIONS Definition- An organization that does not pay taxes and does not exist to make a profit. Example- Goodwill accepts donations of clothing and used toys or other miscellaneous items and then resells them at low prices, and uses their profits to fund job training and employment services.
QUASI-PUBLIC CORPORATIONS Definition- A government owned business that is important to society but lacks the profit potential to attract private investors. Example- The water systems, parking garages, and civic and cultural facilities.