SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence The Power of One … One Community … One Future! November 4, 2014 SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence
The Ballot Issue The Smithville R-II School District will be asking voters to consider a $0.79 levy increase on Tuesday, November 4, 2014, for the purpose of constructing, improving, expanding, equipping, operating and maintaining school facilities, including a third elementary, security and entrance improvement at all district building, roofing replacements and telecommunication upgrades. If approved, the levy increase will “sun-set” (end) in 25 years.
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence Historical Facts In 1997, the Board of Education pledged that it would not request an additional tax increase to fund construction for the remainder of a ten- year, four-phase master building plan. After five Phases, 18 years, and 40 million in required construction improvements the district no longer has the borrowing capacity to fund construction to handle its growth without increased revenue.
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence PhaseYearCost Cost to Tax Payers / Approval Phase I MillionUES and HS AdditionsIncrease $0.96 Phase II MillionClassrooms UES / MS / HS and Renovations at PES No Tax Rate Increase Phase III MillionClassrooms MS / HS, and Activity Upgrades No Tax Rate Increase 81% approval Phase IV MillionClassrooms PES / UES, ECSE and Administration Building, and Activity Upgrades No Tax Rate Increase 85% approval Phase V MillionDistrict Performing Arts Center, Practice Gym, Additional Parking, Renovations No Tax Rate Increase 75% approval BOE Honors Commitment & Building Plan Implementation
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence The Facts District enrollment has increased nearly 22% in the past ten years from 2,070 in to 2,525 in (455 students) Projections indicate an increase of an additional 32% (810 students) in the next ten years placing the enrollment in to nearly 3,335 students. Present school district facilities have an estimated total capacity of 2,640 students with a enrollment of 2,525 students. Enrollment projections suggest district K-12 enrollment will exceed current facilities in when considering Pre-K through 12 enrollment.
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence Projects Included November 4, 2014 Ballot Issue Additional K-6 Elementary District-wide roofing projects Enhance secure entrances to the High School, Middle School, Upper Elementary, and Primary Elementary Remodeled office and front entrance to the Primary Elementary to improve building security and efficiency Upgraded communications systems
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence Improvements
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence Project Budget Contingency (6%)$977, Architect / Engineers$814, Civil$70, Survey$20, Soils$10, Testing$120, Printing$40, Advertising$6, F F and E$1,629, Builder's Risk$50, Owner's Option Roof Repair$1,225, Phone System Upgrade$225, Project Total Expenses$21,483, Elementary Site Work $1,200, New K-6 Elementary$14,245, Maple PES Entrance Renovation$600, Maple PES Bus/Parking$250,000.00
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence How Do We Compare? Total Tax Levies (Rate x $ Assessed Valuation) Proposed Rate $5.1888
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence AVERAGE PER PUPIL EXPENDITURES Clayton$17,851 West Platte$13,275 Park Hill$10,905 North Platte$10,205 North Kansas City$10,086 State Average$9,976 Excelsior Springs$9,551 Liberty$9,152 Platte County$9,069 Kearney$8,612 Smithville$8,123
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence Why $0.79 This is the exact amount calculated to make “lease purchase” payments to fund Phase VI of the Master Building plan and to operate the additional square footage. If the $0.79 levy is approved, approximately $0.64 of the question will fund construction (estimated $21,500,000) and $0.15 ($300,000 annually) will fund operations (utilities, staff, maintenance, supplies). The approved levy increase will “sun-set (expire) after a period of 25 years after the lease purchase payments expire ‘rolling back’ the district’s operating levy.
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence How Much Will the Levy Cost Patrons? The district’s current total levy is $ per $100 of assessed valuation – if you own a $100,000 home – you currently pay $ per year in school taxes. If the increase is improved, the new total levy would be $ requiring the same $100,000 homeowner to pay an additional $ per year or $12.50 per month in school taxes. Value of Home Annual Cost Increase Monthly Cost Increase $100, $12.50
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence Timeline for Construction Security and entrance improvements will be completed at the HS, MS, UES, and PES during the summer of Roofing improvements at the PES and High School will also be completed during the summer of Additional elementary will open in the fall of Summer 2015 Security & Entrance Improvements Roofing Improvements Fall 2016 Additional Elementary Opens
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence Location of Additional Elementary The district owns approximately 10 acres located on the northeast corner of 188 th and F Highway on the district’s northern boundary.
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence Building Grade Configurations & Estimated Capacities If Successful Passage Building Estimated Capacity High School Middle School632 K - 6 Elementary (current PES)570 K - 6 Elementary (current UES)592 K - 6 Elementary (additional)425
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence Entrance and Security Improvements Each buildings main entrance will be enhanced to require visitors not only “buzz in” to gain access to the building but to enter into the main office prior to gaining assess to students and staff. In a “buzz in” system with camera surveillance was installed at each building. The current phone system is out of date technology and unreliable for in coming and out- going communication.
Security Entrance Improvements SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence
Ballot Language To provide funds for constructing, improving, expanding, equipping, operating and maintaining school facilities, including a third elementary school, security and entrance improvements at all District buildings, roofing replacements and telecommunication upgrades, shall the Board of Education of the Smithville R-II School District be authorized to increase the District’s operating tax levy ceiling by $0.79 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation for a period of 25 years? If this question is approved, the operating tax levy ceiling of the District is estimated to increase from $ to $ per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation.
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence Your Vote Counts Approval of this bond issue will require 50% approval plus one positive vote. Review your ballot in advance by going to PLEASE VOTE ON November 4, 2014
SMITHVILLE R-II SCHOOL DISTRICT Tradition of Excellence Thank you for your continued support of the Smithville R-II School District For more information, please visit the district’s website at or contact Dr. Todd Schuetz, Superintendent of Schools at (816) or by at