The Ghosts of Corktown By: Nick Bruewer
Thesis Michigan Central Station and Tiger Stadium* should not be demolished due to their architectural splendor and significance to the City of Detroit.
History IIn 1885 the Detroit Wolverines joined the American League and became the Detroit Tigers (Ballparks of Baseball) PPlayed at “The Corner” of Michigan and Trumbull in 1896 BBennett Park was built in 1895 with a capacity of 6,000 people
In 1911 the whole stadium was demolished and rebuilt of steel and cement, with a 23,000 person capacity (Ballparks of Baseball) The stadium was then named Navin field 1923 a series of expansions added nearly 7,000 seats 1935 Navin Field was re-named Briggs stadium
History Briggs was re-named Tiger stadium in 1961 1977 a fire destroyed the press box The city of Detroit bought the stadium for $1 in 1977 The 1993 off-season was the last time the stadium was renovated to a capacity of 54,000
The Last Game September 27, 1999 Tigers beat the Kansas City Royals 8-2 in the last Major League game at “The Corner”
Tiger Stadium Today June 2006, City Council made plans to raze the stadium July 2008 demolition began About one-third of the stadium is standing
Michigan Central Station
Built in 1912 Still under construction when Michigan central Depot burned in 1913 Designed by Warren & Wetmore, the same architects that planned New York’s Central Station (Forgotten Detroit) Romanesque Bathhouse (Forgotten Detroit)
Michigan Central Station Built in Corktown as an isolate anchor (Forgotten Detroit) Was a center for WWII military traffic (Forgotten Detroit) Train Traffic slowed after the war In 1956 the station was put up for sale, a five million dollar price tag.
The Late 20 th Century Put up for sale in 1963, again 1971 Amtrak took over U.S. passenger rails (Forgotten Detroit) In 1978, $ 1,250,000 worth of renovations was made (Forgotten Detroit) Ten years later… SHUT DOWN
Why? The “isloate anchor” The end of interurban transportation in Detroit in 1938 during the depression The absence of parking The main reason…
MCS Today Used as a set for Transformers Detroit City Counsel wants the building razed Matty Mouron wants the Federal Government to take control and renovate
Movies 2I 2I bMg&feature=related bMg&feature=related
The Future Too late for Tiger Stadium MCS might be renovated like the Book- Cadillac
Sources: Pictures wn/Corktown_files/corktwnogo16k.JPGhttp:// wn/Corktown_files/corktwnogo16k.JPG america/usa/detroit/map_of_detroit.jpghttp:// america/usa/detroit/map_of_detroit.jpg 06/stadium1.jpg 06/stadium1.jpg o_shoot/extra_large/detroit_mi_old_tiger_s tadium_07_05_07_CRW_3663.jpghttp:// o_shoot/extra_large/detroit_mi_old_tiger_s tadium_07_05_07_CRW_3663.jpg
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The Best Website on Detroit Landmarks By: David Kohrman