CS50x Kansas City
Agenda Welcome! This is CS50x, Kansas City Edition Introduction to: LaunchCode CS50x Course Tools used in the course Programming How to take the course Tips for successful completion of the course
Instructor Eddie Burris Associate Teaching Professor, UMKC Teaching Interests: Software Engineering Mobile Development (Android lately) Augmented/Virtual Reality Contact: Phone: (816) Office: 450F Flarsheim hall
Class Layers Kansas City LaunchCode CS50x (Edx)* CS50 (Harvard) *Need to sign up at Edx to get access to online compiler we will be using.
CS50x Signing up provides you with access to compiler and Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for writing your programs. Note, you only have to sign up with edX. You don’t have to enroll in CS50x. Sign up using the same you gave LaunchCode.
This class teaches… Key foundational concepts in computer science How to think algorithmically and solve programming problems efficiently Multiple programming languages, including C, PHP, and JavaScript plus SQL, HTML, and CSS. How to build a web application How to develop and present a project to others (critical non-technical skill) No prerequisites; but moves quickly.
CS50 Topics 8 modules Modules 1 - 3: Programming Fundamentals Modules 4 and 5: Advanced C Modules 6 - 8: Web Development Post CS50: Additional Skill Tracks Java / OOP Web Development Weekly topics: labus.html#lectures labus.html#lectures
Time Commitment 6 hours a week in class /- hours a week outside of class = 21 hours a week total What many students imagine:
Time Commitment Reality For someone who works part-time (20 hours/week) 168 hours in a week unavailable (sleeping, eating, dressing, etc.) 56 available hours - 20 part-time job 36 hours free per week - 21 class 15 non-class hours per week
Time Commitment Reality For someone who works full-time (40 hours/week) The numbers don’t work. 168 hours in a week unavailable (sleeping, eating, dressing, etc.) 56 available hours - 40 full-time job 16 hours free per week - 21 class - 5 non-class hours per week
Requires a lot of effort It’s worth it For some, it will be life- changing
Support Mentors – Industry volunteers. Excellent resource for learning about what goes on in industry. Might not be familiar with the details of the assignments. TA’s (teaching assistants) – staff every night.
Grades Class is pass/fail. You will receive a LaunchCode certificate of completion if you: Complete all Problem Sets with passing scores Submit (almost) all studio assignments, missing a maximum of two (2) studios Graduation with honors if all work submitted on time or nearly on time. Can’t be more than 7 days late for the whole semester. Grading criteria: Score = Scope * (3 * Correctness + 2 * Design + 1* Style)
Academic Honesty Can’t cheat the system; you can only cheat yourself Be reasonable
Parking Options You may park on the street where allowed. Look for signs. There is metered parking on campus. See yellow areas on campus map. A44 is closest metered parking lot. $1.25 hr.campus map Buy an evening permit directly from parking operations. Starts May 9 th. Fee = $66.parking operations No free parking on campus day or night
Course Website Tour Class schedule - Note, days off and time change starting May 16 th. Class schedule Wi-Fi Calendar – tells you what to do for each module CS50 IDE – online compiler Vocareum – submit assignments Piazza – online bulletin board
How to take the course
How to take the course (Summary) Course Calendar guides you through the material. Three classes per module. Note the amount of prep for each class. foreach (module) { do prep work before each class; work on problem sets and studios in class; submit problem sets and studios on time; }
Submitting assignments through Vocareum address is case sensitive! Be sure to submit your work under correct file name—the name at the top of the assignment. Can submit studios as a group (1-3 in a group) Got this message:
Requires a lot of effort It’s worth it For some, it will be life- changing
Module 0 Review
Programming Process 1.Understand Requirements 2.Express solution/algorithm using pseudocode 3.Write code (iteratively) 4.Test/Debug
Keys to Success Complete the class prep work before each class. Prioritize. If it’s a choice between completing the problem set for module x or doing the prep work for module x+1, do the prep work for module x+1. Work in groups. Establish a routine that works for you. Use the resources of the Internet. StackOverflow is an indispensable resource for most programmers.
Final Words The class will be very challenging, but very rewarding. It has been life-changing for some and maybe it will be for you too.
1. Bit by bit (aka iterative development) 2. Code from an example
Secrets to success 1. Bit by bit (aka iterative development) 2. Code from an example
Tech Extra
Time Commitment Aptitude for Programming Effort LowHigh 15 hrs wk 20 hrs wk 6 hours a week in class 15 +/- hours a week outside of class