Chapter 35 A review of some vocabulary terms….
What are the names of the products below?
ANSWERS 1. Plastic bandage 2. Cotton Swab 3. Facial Tissues
How can a brand name become too successful? A. When the name becomes too common, more like a household name. EX. In-Line Skates vs. RollerBlade (a brand name)
What is Co-Branding? When two companies advertise together.. Hershey’s and Betty Crocker
Why would two companies co- brand (or advertise together)? A: To make money!!!! $$$$$$ A: To increase customer loyalty A: To increase sales for an individual brand
National, Private, Generic Brands National brands – are owned by manufacturers EX. Glad Trash Bags
Private Brands Private Brands – are owned by wholesalers and retailers; the manufacturer’s name does not appear on the product EX. Target Brand Macaroni Cheese (Target pays a company to place its label on the package; Target does not make its own mac. and cheese)
Generic Brand Generic Brand - products that don’t carry any name at all Ex. Box of macaroni and cheese that simply says macaroni and cheese; there is no company name
Mixed Brand Strategy When a store or manufacturer sells any combination of national, private, and or generic brands. Ex. Target sells: –Kraft Macaroni and Cheese –Target Corporation Macaroni and Cheese
A brand can include a brand name, brand mark, trade name, trade character and trademark. Can you identify each of these elements on the following package?
Branding, Packaging, Labeling PP Assignment; pg. 567 Define each term & 2 picture (or real examples): –Brand-private brand –Brand name-generic brand –Brand mark-manufacturer brand –Trade name-brand extension –Trade character-brand licensing –Trademark-mixed-branding strategy - co-branding
What are the functions of packaging? Pg. 575 Promoting and selling product –A well designed product can make a product stand out from the rest
Defining product identity Helps with marketing strategy, especially advertising
Providing Information Labels Preprinted prices (UPC symbols)
Ensuring Safe Use Helps eliminate misuse of product Prevents contimination
Protects Product Keeps product from damage or spoilage