Village of Morton Wastewater Treatment
The Village of Morton Wastewater Treatment Department duties Operate and maintain 2 treatment plants (Biosolids – land application) Maintain sanitary/combined sewer collection system Clean and televise sanitary and storm sewer collection systems Inspection of sanitary sewer installations Locate sanitary and storm sewers for the Julie “One call” system Administer Sump pump / Footing tile inspections program Administer the Mosquito abatement program Maintain the landscape waste program
Biosolids (sludge) The wastewater treatment process produces two products, treated water that is discharged to receiving streams, and Biosolids that are sub surface applied to cropland. Waste sludge that settles in the secondary treatment portion of the wastewater process, is removed, treated and stored for future land application. This product contains levels of the essential elements used in fertilizer (expressed as P,K &N or etc). Biosolids/Sludge application is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Equipment used for Solids land application The Village of Morton applies roughly 300 dry tons of Biosolids per year on farm ground near the treatment plant. Nearly 9,000,000 liquid gallons of sludge are generated each year.