What is wastewater treatment Usually refer to sewage treatment, or domestic wastewater treatment process of removing contaminants from wastewater, both runoff and domestic
Goals To produce waste stream (effluent) To produce solid waste (sludge) To discharge or reuse them back into the environment
Health and safety All forms of household wastewater have the potential to be infectious to human health and pollute the environment. However, when managed properly and carefully using appropriate processes wastewater can be converted into a valuable resource that can be reused.
Objective: to maintain or improve the quality of the receiving body of water Treatment stages: Preliminary Primary Secondary Tertiary Wastewater Characteristics
Classification of Methods Physical Processes Chemical Processes Biological Processes Screening Sedimentation Filtration Precipitation Chlorination Aerobic Anaerobic
Different processes are used to treat wastewater depending on the contaminants present Similarly, different processes are used to treat sludge's, depending on the objective of treatment Applicability and Selection of Methods
Wastewater feed is not specified, therefore the plant must be able to treat whatever the wastewater contains Plant design will take account of historical flows and loadings, but must also be able to deal with expansion Plant must also be able to deal with a range of flow and load conditions, plus peak upstream flow conditions Flow rate and Mass Loading
Average mass loadings for BOD and Suspended Solids are commonly determined by Population Equivalent (PE) Design mass loadings are more complex and must take account of seasonal, diurnal and industrial load variations Selection of Design Mass Loadings
Effluent water Quality By E – Ionization Process No Smell. No Noise No Chemicals No big Space Req Compact Size ( Modular ) Single Button Start. Easily Expandable.
Go Green….. Go Clean….. Does not Generate Green House Gases……. Dose not Deplete Atmospheric Oxygen……. Dose not emit carbon…… Conserves water ….. Conserves Energy….. Conserves Chemicals…… Chemical Free & Non Biological system designed for continuous or batch operation. Hybrid electrode connection.
E – ionization Process E-ionization is a technique Involving The passage of electricity Through Water Or Effluent to be treated. The Electric current Destabilizes Dissolved and Colloidal Particles' and alters the charge on suspended matter permitting their Removal.
Removes……… Organics Suspended Solids Turbidity Algae Odor Fats, oil & Grease Heavy Metals partial colour
Advantages of E-Ionization Processes Conserves water, conserves energy, conserves chemicals and conserves space Eliminates Procurement, Transportation Storage, Preparation And Use of Hazardous and Expensive chemicals making it operator friendly High Contaminant removal Reduce dependence on External source for water supply in pursuit of self reliance helps conserve valuable water resource by recycling treated water throughout the year,unlike rain water harvesting which is seasonal
Comparison of water treatment Packaged, modular Easily expandable User friendly Less Maintenance Less Downtime High performance to cost ratio Residence &reaction time is low Low start up time Distributed Difficult to Expand Difficult to operate More maintenance High Downtime Low performance to cost ratio Residence &reaction time is High High start up time E –Ionization Process Biological activated Sludge process
Gray water System 70 KLD
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