BREAK -10 Minutes The Covenant Center
PROTECTING YOUR MINISTRY Sexual Orientation Gender Identity Lawsuits Religious Expression
“ A time is quickly forthcoming when we will see our government demand that our churches promote, educate and accept gender equality, transgender lifestyles, and the homosexual lifestyle…and if our churches were to refuse to cooperate, it is plausible, they would stand to lose their IRS tax exemption and contributors could lose their charitable giving tax deductions.” Dr. Michael B. Russell
“When wrong is defended, when right is attacked, the pillars of social justice crumble and fall.” Vernon, R. (1992) L.A. Justice. p 217
“Pay attention to the ministry you have received in the Lord, so that you may accomplish it.” Colossians 4:17
“The world does not like your message…
“…the world wants you to fail…
…there are forces lurking about to destroy your ministry…and will seek any weakness in your policy or procedures… …it may be a volunteer or a staff member…
…but evil will find a way!”
A challenge to religious freedom ‘sexual liberty’ trumps ‘religious freedom’ New ordinances will impact churches, ministries, and individual Christians SOGI’s: ‘sexual orientation, gender identity’ special interests in the same category as race and religion Promoters use public sympathy ‘discrimination’ terms to silence dissenting voices SOGIs have been successful in forcing Christian photographers, bakers and florists into submission It is anticipated churches will be the next big target
Proactive Steps for Churches Statement of Faith Religious Employment Criteria Facility Use Policy Formal Membership Policy Marriage Policy
Statement of Faith A statement of faith should serve as the foundational document of faith for churches Core religious beliefs as clear evidence of ‘your beliefs’ in case of a lawsuits Courts will not question an organization’s self- proclaimed religious beliefs if they appear in a statement of faith Marriage, gender, and sexuality
Statement of Faith Marriage between a man and a woman joining them in “one-flesh union (Gen 2:18-25) Marriage reflects Christ’s relationship with His Church (Eph 5:21-33) Marriage is the foundational unit of a stable society (1 Cor 7:2) Marriage is the best chance for children to grow up in the same household with their mom and dad. Gender reflects the image and nature of God (Gen 1:26- 27) Sanctity of Life Statement (Ps 139) Statement on final authority
Religious Employment Criteria Federal law prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, or age However “religious organization” may consider an applicant or employee’s religious beliefs in hiring or firing Under a doctrine known as “ministerial exception” churches, et al are exempt from employment non- discriminatory laws for hiring and firing if the employee is charged with conducting rituals, scriptural teaching, or explaining beliefs.
Religious Employment Criteria Require all employees sign a statement of faith they agree with the churches ‘Statement of Faith’ Retain copies Create ‘Religious Job Descriptions’ for every employee and volunteer. Retain copies Be consistent in all employment standards (EPLI) List religious ground for limiting employment opportunities
Facility Use Agreement Policy A facility use policy is critical for any ministry that owns a building or permits its facilities to be used outside of normal business operations Based on your history of outside organizational use the government may force the church to violate their religious beliefs and allow same sex ceremonies inside their church facility Under current law, no church is forced to open its buildings for uses that conflict with its religious teachings
Facility Use Agreement Policy Those advocating for marriage redefinition hope to change the current laws that protects churches Churches can strengthen their religious liberty protections by adopting a facility use policy that outlines the religious nature of the building and restricts its use to those acting in a manner consistent with the organization’s biblical beliefs Consider renting your facility for less than fair market rates…the court will look at your church as a possible ‘for profit’ organization engaged in commerce
Formal Membership Policy Churches enjoy considerable freedom under the US Constitution on how they govern themselves, even when doing so causes injuries that would be actionable in court. This freedom has limitations Church membership should bring individuals together who “unite” with a church and consent to the church’s authority over them (Scripture)
Formal Membership Policy In order for a church to have the best claim to immunity against an alleged injury that resulted from church discipline, the alleged victim must have been a church member when the discipline occurred. If the church does not have a formal membership policy they are an open target Include ‘Procedures for Becoming a Member’ Every prospective member should receive a copy of the church’s Statement of Faith and Membership Policy
Formal Membership Policy Have new members sign a statement they read and they agree to the terms of the membership and retain a copy Churches should make every effort to follow their own membership policy consistently The church should implement clear procedures for member discipline or membership termination
Formal Marriage Policy In addition to a statement of religious belief concerning marriage, gender, and sexuality (and a facility policy)…the church should also adopt a comprehensive policy concerning the marriages their pastors or ministers may solemnize or otherwise participate in Exp: the church will only recognize marriages between a biological man and a biological woman
Formal Marriage Policy Exp: the church staff (pastors/ ministers/ clergy) will only participate in weddings and solemnize marriages between one man and one woman Exp: The church facilities and church properties shall only host weddings between one man and one woman
Religious Expression Liability Protect you and your ministry from the risks associated with your religious expression Mental or emotional injury protection for faith-based discriminatory acts Alleged discrimination stemming from religious communication or religious activities can lead to possible mental or emotional allegations Covers any trustee or official, board member, council, deacon, elder, trustee, volunteer worker, employees or members performing duties on your behalf Generous indemnity limit $1,000,000
By Definition “Biological Sex” means the condition of being male or female, which is determined by a person’s chromosomes, and is identified at birth by a person’s anatomy. Those who reject their biological sex are sometimes referred to as “transgender”
“He who trusts in himself is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom is kept safe.” Proverbs 28:26
“Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.” Acts 20: 28
“Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. Proverbs 8 :33