Alcohol Control Policy and Harm Done by Alcohol in Lithuania Riga, 2007 Audrius Ščeponavičius Director of the Public Health Department Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania
Alcohol Control Policy and Harm Done by Alcohol in Lithuania CONTENT: Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages Sales of Alcoholic Drinks Harm Done by Alcohol Alcohol Policy in Lithuania “For the people of the basketball country”
Pure Alcohol Consumption Litres per capita Source: Department of Statistics to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania;
Use of different alcohol beverages during one drinking episode among women Beer Vodka, other strong drinks Vine, sparkling vine Sider, alcohol coctails Source: Statistics Lithuania, 2005
Beer Vodka, other strong drinks Vine, sparkling vine Sider, alcohol coctails Source: Statistics Lithuania, 2005 Use of different alcohol beverages during one drinking episode among men
Alcohol consumption among schoolchildren Source: ESPAD research data
Sales of Alcoholic Drinks Source: Department of Statistics to the Government of the Republic of Lithuania
Mental and Behavioral Disorders Due to Use of Alcohol for of Population Source: State mental health centre
Mental and Behavioral Disorders Due to Use of Alcohol for of Population Source: State mental health centre
Drunk workers accidents at work Source: State Labour Inspectorate
Road Accidents Caused by Drunk Drivers Total (number of accidents) Drunk drivers (number of accidents) Deaths caused by drunk drivers (number of persons) Injured persons by drunk drivers (number of persons) Source: Lithuanian police traffic supervision service
Crimes Related to Alcohol Source: Ministry of Interior
Main Principles of Alcohol Control Policy in the Law on Alcohol Control 1995/2005 to reduce availability of alcohol beverages through taxation to limit promotion of the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages to prohibit the means of promotion of buying and consumption of alcoholic beverages by youth to encourage legal persons who are engaged in alcohol business to join in implementing the State alcohol control policy to increase public awareness
Main Principles of Alcohol Control Policy in the Law on Alcohol Control 1995/2005 to sponsor action programmes of health and temperance societies to promote the production and sale of non alcoholic beverages to promote the creation of a social environment free of alcohol to promote scientific research and dissemination of information to strengthen the cooperation with other Member States of the European Union and international organizations regarding the issues of the reduction of the consumption of alcohol.
The Main Purpose and Strategy Related to Alcohol Control Stated in Lithuanian Health Program 1998 Main target: by the year 2010 to reduce alcohol consumption by 25 % To decrease annual alcohol production by 2 % To increase alcohol costs depending on the overall economic situation To increase proportion of people not using strong alcoholic beverages To provide treatment and rehabilitation for all those suffering from drug and alcohol abuse To develop a system for the quantitative monitoring of alcohol use To develop intersectoral collaboration in fighting alcohol abuse To develop and implement the State Programme of Alcohol Control
State Program of Alcohol Control 1999 – 2011 as Long Term Target Progressively decreased alcohol consumption by 25 % until 2009 Drop of mortality from cirrhosis by 15 % Decreased mortality from accidents related to consumption of alcohol by 25% Reduced number of crimes committed in connection with alcohol Reduced number of drunk drivers Implementation of alcohol prevention devoted especially for youth
Obstacles for Implementation of Alcohol Control Policy
Alcohol control law was changed many times in order to liberalize alcohol control: –To allow alcohol sale in fuel stations and sanatoriums –To stop using time restrictions on sale that to regulate accessibility –Advertisement control was taken from State tobacco and alcohol control agency and given to Consumers rights protection agency which has no competence to do it New initiatives: –To legalize alcohol sale via internet –To legalize home made alcohol –To close State tobacco and alcohol control agency
Alcohol price Prices of alcoholic beverages fell down while disposable cash income edged up; –Bottle of vodka (0.5 l) - about 3 EUR –Bottle of vine (0.7 l) – about 3 EUR –Bottle of beer (0.5 l) – 0.55 EUR (with discount – 0.3 EUR) Change of alcohol price: –2002 m. - ↑ 0,1 proc. –2003 m. - <0,2 proc. –2004 m. – ↑ 0,4 proc. –2005 m. – ↑ 0,4 proc
Advertisement and sponsorship Advertisement very aggressive and massive (every TV channel, every newspaper, magazines, billboards) Only partial and ineffective restrictions on place Alcohol producing companies are main sponsors of biggest cultural events, cities celebrations etc.
Many illegal advertisement strategies are used
Sale to minors Very vide spread About 75 % of years old children reports that they have no problems to by alcohol in legal selling places
Other important points Public opinion is very supporting for alcohol use No understanding about save, risky and dangerous drinking Even medical community still promotes alcohol as medication for CHD prevention There are still books in Lithuanian that promotes alcohol as medication for many diseases treatment
Other important points There is no economical evaluation on alcohol use related harm for country economy Weak NGOs There is no leading institution responsible for implementation of prevention programmes
Proposals done by the Ministry of Health in To increase excise for alcopops Not to allow the sales of alcohol beverages in the catering establishments in rehabilitation services Reduce blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level from 0.4 mg % to 0.2 mg % for all vehicles drivers and to 0.00 mg % for ‘young’ drivers Ban alcohol beverages sales through internet Ban advertising of all kinds of alcohol beverages (spirits, beer, cider etc.) on television, radio stations, cable radio and cable television stations registered in Lithuania from 8 a.m to p.m Revise Alcohol Control Program and prepare action plan for year
Proposals done by the Ministry of Economy and Parliament in Cancel State Tobacco and Alcohol service activities and passing over its functions to other institutions under different ministries Allowed sales of alcohol beverages trough internet Allowed home made strong alcohol production Allowed sales of alcohol beverages during sport and cultural events Lowered fines for failures to comply with the requirements of Alcohol Control Law
Challenges for Alcohol Policy in Lithuania Lack of leadership Building capacity at national and local levels Integration of institutions Foster awareness, advocacy skill Inclusion and empowerment of community Creation of competent workforce (civil servants, researchers, NGOs, public health specialists) Monitoring of implementation of alcohol policy Making continuous pressure on decision makers
Thank you!