The ‘Comedy for ELT’ Project Nick Michelioudakis
The acid test of motivation: “Would you want to do this if you were not in a language classroom?”
The News
All the material you are going to see is now available to you! A/V: YouTube: ‘Comedy for ELT’ Handouts:
Why is this material special? Authentic Authentic Scripted Scripted Quick delivery Quick delivery Strange / Funny accents Strange / Funny accents Puns / Double meanings Puns / Double meanings Play with register Play with register
Indian Office Context: “What’s in a name?” Rather a lot, as it turns out. Especially if the others cannot even pronounce it! In this case, an Englishman finds a job in India, but things start going wrong straight away. Is he going to conform, or stay firm and take the consequences?
Indian Office Listening 1: With a partner try to predict how the following statements might end. Then watch the clip and complete them (NE: New Employee / M: Manager): As the NE is from England, the M suggests they should be …………….. with him. As the NE is from England, the M suggests they should be …………….. with him. The NE’s name is …………….. The NE’s name is …………….. The M thinks his name is rather …………….. The M thinks his name is rather …………….. The M suggests it might be a good idea if he found …………….. The M suggests it might be a good idea if he found …………….. The M suggests that if he insists on being called …………….. people might think he is a …………….. The M suggests that if he insists on being called …………….. people might think he is a …………….. In the end, the NE decides to …………….. In the end, the NE decides to ……………..
Indian Office
What can we use it for? Warm up Warm up Listening Listening Vocabulary Vocabulary For fun! For fun!
Come in Rowlingson… Context: The coach of a football team has been invited to appear before the Board of Directors as the results of the club have been unsatisfactory… Listening 1: Listen, and answer the questions: PLAYED: ….. WON: ….. DRAWN: ….. LOST: ….. What is the problem with… The new players? …………………………….. The new players? …………………………….. The youth squad? …………………………….. The youth squad? …………………………….. The new leftwinger? …………………………….. The new leftwinger? …………………………….. The goalkeeper? …………………………….. The goalkeeper? …………………………….. What happens in the end? Does he get sacked?
How should we use these clips? Set context Set context Support students (voc.) Support students (voc.) Make the first task easy Make the first task easy Give them a second task Give them a second task (Think of a follow-up activity) (Think of a follow-up activity)
Affirmative Action Context: A local council committee have met in order to decide the appointment of a new ‘top man....’. Of course before advertising for the post, a number of things need to be taken into account. Qualifications obviously, but then there are social considerations too – a good Local Council will try to right social wrongs by means of Positive Discrimination…
Affirmative Action Listening 1: Listen and make a note of the ‘qualities’ they want their new ‘top man’ to have. (S)he must be... (Q: Why are the two members angry with the head of the committee in the end?) a w with s d b p s an e...-c d in h l p educationally s n t
Affirmative Action
Things to bear in mind (DOs) «Sell» the idea to students «Sell» the idea to students Support students (context / vocabulary) Support students (context / vocabulary) Give them the script (with gaps) Give them the script (with gaps) Get students to listen twice Get students to listen twice
Parents… Context: A second-generation Indian family in London. The son comes back home and shows his A-level exam results to his father… Listening 1: Listen and correct the following statements: The father is dissatisfied because his son got all ‘C’s. The father is dissatisfied because his son got all ‘C’s. His son will be studying biology in the University of Warwick. His son will be studying biology in the University of Warwick. His son cannot do a Ph.D, because his marks are too low. His son cannot do a Ph.D, because his marks are too low. His son did not get in the Warwickshire cricket team because he was too slow. His son did not get in the Warwickshire cricket team because he was too slow.
Things to avoid (DON’Ts) Give students the punch-line Give students the punch-line Play a ‘funny bit’ without a punch line at the end Play a ‘funny bit’ without a punch line at the end Play ‘funny bits’ which require too much explanation Play ‘funny bits’ which require too much explanation Take too many risks with ‘dangerous topics’ (sex / religion) Take too many risks with ‘dangerous topics’ (sex / religion)
Air Travel Context: A guy from Wales decides to visit Australia for some time. He flies there but he is dismayed to discover that he will have to manage without his luggage. Naturally, he is furious and he decides to report this to the ‘Lost Luggage Department’ where the girl asks him some questions in order to make a report…
Air Travel Listen 1: Read the questions in your handout, then watch the clip and answer them. How was he feeling before the flight? How was he feeling before the flight? What did he buy for his trip? What did he buy for his trip? What did he use to travel with in the past? What did he use to travel with in the past? How much did his luggage weigh? How much did his luggage weigh? How long is he going to be in Australia for? How long is he going to be in Australia for? What 6 Qs does the girl at the desk ask him? What 6 Qs does the girl at the desk ask him? [Close your handout now]
Air Travel…
The Key Idea: It’s a gamble! – You hope they are going to take the bait! It’s a gamble! – You hope they are going to take the bait! “An ounce of motivation is worth a ton of methodology!”
A/V: YouTube: ‘Comedy for ELT’ Handouts: Notes: ‘Read This First’
Feedback What did you think of these activities? Did you find them fun/useful? I would love to know your opinion – esp if you actually try these activities out with your students! Please send any comments you have to the following address: Thank you! Thank you!