Election of 1968 Democratic Convention Held in Chicago Antiwar Protests Hubert H. Humphrey Richard M. Nixon Beat Hubert H. Humphrey for Presidency A return to Law and Order Peace with Honor in Vietnam Silent Majority
Bombing of Cambodia Kept a secret by Nixon Overstepped his Constitutional authority as President Supply routes South Vietnam Cambodia itself Civil War Presence of Communism American troops sent in Provoked antiwar protests
Kent State May 4 in Kent Ohio Antiwar Protest in regards to Cambodia Students burned a military building Martial Law Invoked by Ohio Governor National Guard Tragedy ensued 4 dead Approximately 9 more injured
Jackson State May 15 in Jackson, Mississippi Campus violence 2 students shot and killed Witnesses Recklessness Shot guns used in a residence hall Police Under duress? Claimed to be under sniper fire
Activity “When dissent turns to violence it invites tragedy” After reading this statement write down in your notes what you think this means. There are no right or wrong answers, just back up your opinions with facts based on your notes so far.
End To Vietnam “Peace is at hand”-Henry Kissinger Kissinger negotiates with North Vietnam Occurred before 1972 election…(why?) Announcement made too soon No agreement Paris Peace Accords North Vietnam returns to peace agreement Signed January 27, 1973 Pressure on South Vietnam Ended American involvement, did not end entire conflict War Ends North Vietnam did not abandon their main goal Major offensive launched by North Vietnam South Vietnam collapsed Edged closer to Saigon Americans & loyalists to America fled the country April 30, 1975 North Vietnam captured Saigon as South Vietnam surrendered
End To Vietnam Legacy of the Vietnam War No hero’s welcome Many soldiers were MIA and never found Unpopular war and Americans were willing to forget Toward Healing a Nation Vietnam Veterans Memorial Maya Yin Ling Dedicated in 1982 Shape of a Private’s stripes Contains names of all the Americans who died or MIA
Closure In your notebooks write down for new things you have learned about the Vietnam War and the impact it had on America and the world.