Vietnam Pub Quiz Revision!
Why were the French involved in Indo China? Had been part of their Asian Empire Lost to Japan in WW2 and then reclaimed after 1945 There was a strong independence movement post 1945 – Ho Chi Minh America was fearful of communism and the Domino Theory – supported the French even though opposed to Imperialism
Why did the French lose in Vietnam? Guerrilla tactics of the Vietminh Shrewd tactics of Ho Chi Minh and General Giap Support from USSR – weapons and ammo US unwilling to commit troops Defeat at Dien Bien Phu – massive French miscalculation Forced to the negotiating table
What were the terms of the Geneva Agreement? France to grant independence to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam Vietnam to be temporarily partitioned at the 17 th parallel A demilitarized zone to put in place between the divided states Free and democratic elections to be held in 1956 to reunite Vietnam under a single leader
Why were the Americans fearful of the elections? Feared the communists would win under Ho Chi Minh Feared the ‘domino theory’, which would see neighbouring countries fall to communism like dominoes They saw this as a replay of Korea – good guys in the south, bad guys in the north They were concerned about China and USSR’s influence in SE Asia
Which image deeply affected JFK in 1963? The burning monk Which South Vietnamese leader was assassinated in a CIA backed coup in Nov 1963? Ngo Dinh Diem
What were the main Vietcong and NVA guerrilla tactics? Booby traps – punji traps, trip wires etc Tunnel system War with no front line – hanging on to American belts Infiltration of villages Support from USSR and China Use of Ho Chi Minh trail
What were the main US tactics? Strategic bombing – Rolling Thunder Strategic hamlets Search and destroy - helicopters Body count – attrition Defoliating the forests None of these were particularly successful
What impact did the media have on the war? The television war – images and reports beamed into living rooms The media became increasingly critical and fed the protest movement A free press meant the US could not control the news – North Vietnam could It swayed politicians. They needed support to win elections and the media influenced public opinion Reported events like the My Lai Massacre and Tet Offensive – hugely negative
What forms of protest movement were there? Marches – veterans, anti war, black community Students – Kent State, sit ins and demonstrations on campus Draft dodging – M Ali, burning papers Picketing the White House – ‘LBJ, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?’ Music and, later on, films
Terms of the Paris Peace Agreement 1973? Cease fire from Jan 1973 US armed forces to completely withdraw NVA to remain in South Vietnam strongholds All foreign forces to leave Laos and Cambodia Reunification elections to be held All US POW’s to be returned NV to recognise the SV government
Why did the US withdraw and evacuate Saigon? Not winning – no development of effective tactics War hugely unpopular at home and abroad Escalating costs – taxes and inflation Nixon had promised to withdraw in 1972 – Ford had to continue that policy Vietnamization had begun, troops were coming home US troops losing discipline and enthusiasm Rising body count ARVN not able to sustain the war on their own – Saigon falls as a result NVA were the superior force
Vietnam – Memorable Images?