1). Tet Offensive 2). Draft ▪ Who got drafted? ▪ Why did some oppose the draft?
Why were their deaths important to Vietnam War? Both were leaders in the anti-war movement RFK was running on a campaign promise to get us out of Vietnam
The war gets ugly Hawks vs. Doves Hawks supported American involvement in Vietnam Doves opposed American involvement in Vietnam
U.S. troops, led by Lt. Calley, killed over 200 villagers U.S. Army command tried to cover up the incident “122 Vietcong were reportedly killed” – General Westmoreland
Are the lessons of My Lai still important today? If you join the army, do you have to follow every single order give to you?
President Nixon ordered to bombing of the Ho Chi Minh Trail in Cambodia College students around the country began protesting 1200 colleges around the nation were shut down Why?
They were afraid that they would now be drafted into the Army
Kent State University– Protesting students were shot at by the National Guard. Four students were killed, nine wounded
The New York Times began to write about secret government documents that proved that the government had been lying to the American People
1). U.S. had prevented the 1956 elections for taking place 2). LBJ was planning the war while telling America he did not want to fight in Vietnam
New York Times v. U.S. Supreme government said it was ok to publish secret government documents.
His plan = Vietnamization = turning over the war to the South Vietnamese His goal = “Achieve peace with honor”
Paris Peace Accords = Peace agreement between United States and North Vietnam 1). Border at the 17 th Parallel remains Last American forces left Vietnam in 1973
The South Vietnamese troops did not last too long North Vietnam took over the country in 1975
1). 26th Amendment = 18 year olds could vote 2). War Powers Act = Limited the powers of the President to send troops into war (Remember the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution)
John Kerry at a demonstration