PHT 432)) Industrial Pharmacy قسم الصيدلانيات كلية الصيدلة جامعة الملك سعود PHT 432)) Industrial Pharmacy Dr. Fars Alanazi AA101
PHT 432 Industrial Pharmacy 4 (2+2) The course deals with the main operations that take place in industrial pharmacy and the equipment carrying out such operations. These operations include: size reduction and size analysis, blending and mixing, filtration, centrifugation, extraction, heat flow, cooling and refrigeration, drying process, freeze drying, spray drying, evaporation, distillation, crystallization, and super-critical fluids. Emphasis will be given to pharmaceutical machines.
Methods of tablet manufacturing 16/04/1432هـ Days 2011 Date Lecture’s Number H Topic Month Sat 2 12 1 9/03/1432هـ Introduction Mon 14 11/03/1432هـ Size reduction 1 19 3 16/03/1432هـ Size reduction 2 21 4 18/03/1432هـ Size analysis1 26 5 23/03/1432هـ Size analysis 2 27 6 25/03/1432هـ Mixing 1 7 30/03/1432هـ Mixing 2 8 2/04/1432هـ Crystallization 1 9 7/04/1432هـ Crystallization1 10 9/04/1432هـ Tablets and tableting 11 14/04/1432هـ Methods of tablet manufacturing 16/04/1432هـ Problems of tablet manufacturing 13 21/04/1432هـ Tablet Coating 28 23/04/1432هـ Mid Term Exam 1 28/04/1432هـ Heat Flow 1 30/04/1432هـ Heat Flow 2 اجازة منتصف الفصل ( 2-12/5/1432 هـ ) ( 6-16/4/2011) 16 12/05/1432هـ Drying 1 18 14/05/1432هـ Drying 2 23 19/05/1432هـ Drying 3 25 21/05/1432هـ Drying 4 30 26/05/1432هـ Evaporation 1 28/05/1432هـ Evaporation 2 4/06/1432هـ Filtration 1 6/06/1432هـ Filtration 2 11/06/1432هـ Filtration 3 13/06/1432هـ Filtration 4 18/06/1432هـ Mid Term Exam 2 20/06/1432هـ Open question class
Exams: First midterm exam. Second midterm exam. Performance (lab.) Final lab. exam. 15 10 20 Total 60 Final examination: 40 (20+20) Total marks 100 (40)
Remington The Science and Practice of Pharmacy Edited by Allen, Loyd V., Jr
Industrial Pharmacy Industrial pharmacy may be defined as the science and technology of producing pharmaceuticals (medicinal substances and their dosages) efficiently and economically on the commercial scale in industry.
Thus industrial pharmacy may be classified into the following areas: Pharmaceutical engineering including: a- Unit Operations b - Unit Processes 2- Pharmaceutical product development 3- Pharmaceutical packaging. 4- Pharmaceutical administration
These items required the cooperative effort of many specialists These items required the cooperative effort of many specialists. The science of pharmacy, pharmacology, chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, packaging and industrial administration are coordinated and applied to the large scale production of pharmaceuticals such as tablets, capsules, suppositories, tinctures, fluid extracts, ointments, syrups, vaccines, antibiotics, vitamins, hormones, the active principles of vegetable drugs and synthetic organic chemicals.