INSPIRED MIND MAPS, MIND MAPS, PARENT RESOURCE CENTRE (PRC) Workshop 5 March 17, 2009 Beijing City International School
RELAXED AWARENESS BRAIN GYM Tapping Fingers Tap head in symmetrical pattern using both hands Tap collarbone with opposite hands
CONNECT - PAST How to get ideas on paper Take notes Make notes
GOALS Describe the laws and recommendations for mind maps using pictures, words, and gestures Make an Inspired mind map
RELAXED AWARENESS BRAIN GYM Free Flow Make mirror-image patterns with both hands simultaneously Move hands in opposing directions Cross over occasionally Pretend to conduct music
INPUT Information about Mind Maps
MIND MAP RUBRIC LAWINDICATOR 123 ORDER I put the information on my mind map in 123 order or the correct order in time. GROUPS I put the information in groups. EMPHASIS I used a central image with 3 or more colours. I used pictures and symbols throughout my mind map. I used different sizes of print. I used correct spacing. I used dimension. CONNECTIONS I used lines or arrows to connect words. CLEAR I wrote just 1 key word per line. I printed all the words on lines. I wrote all the key words upright. I connected lines to other lines. I made the central lines thicker. I used clear pictures and symbols. My paper was horizontal. STYLE My mind map shows my own personal style.
CORTICAL SKILLS Word Number Logic Image Rhythm Colour Spatial awareness
RELAXED AWARENESS BRAIN GYM Owl Grip shoulder and look over it as you breathe in Turn head slowly to the other shoulder as you breathe out Change hands
MIND MAP RUBRIC LAWINDICATOR 123 ORDER I put the information on my mind map in 123 order or the correct order in time. GROUPS I put the information in groups. EMPHASIS I used a central image with 3 or more colours. I used pictures and symbols throughout my mind map. I used different sizes of print. I used correct spacing. I used dimension. CONNECTIONS I used lines or arrows to connect words. CLEAR I wrote just 1 key word per line. I printed all the words on lines. I wrote all the key words upright. I connected lines to other lines. I made the central lines thicker. I used clear pictures and symbols. My paper was horizontal. STYLE My mind map shows my own personal style.