DNP organizing meeting Richard Seto Feb 6, 2011. Agenda Updates and discussion on 1) The schedule 2) logistics, payment, hotel, weblinks etc (Carol will.


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Presentation transcript:

DNP organizing meeting Richard Seto Feb 6, 2011

Agenda Updates and discussion on 1) The schedule 2) logistics, payment, hotel, weblinks etc (Carol will be able to join us) 3) poster/webpage a short update 4) Discuss - After dinner speaker – Jennifer Ouallette 5) Discuss Invited Session ¡V update 6) updates on workshops - kick off the heavyion/spin workshop

Schedule – Deadlines Feb newsletter – done April 29 - Poster to APS (Ben) March 31- April 3 – APS meeting – Workshops talk topics finalized, speakers near final – Invited session topics finalized – speakers near final May Newsletter – end of April (program complete) Oct the meeting

Invited Session (we are responsible) Invited Session (3 talks) Nuclear Physics in “Southern” California: Possible talks include  13 (first results available ? – update? Send a feeler to expts – Alan Poon New measurements testing SM – update? LHC/RHIC results and comparisons *- does energy scale make a difference? - (Post QM 2012, there will be many new results. PC may want a dedicated heavy ion session) Need to kick this off Scientists here at Livermore, in collaboration with researchers from Dubna, have been involved for a decade in the production of superheavy elements. Very recently, they have proposed names for elements 114 and 116. I am attaching a few links below. We could have Mark Stoyer or one of his collaborators give a presentation summarizing the effort and where they are going next * related invited talk and workshop (invited talk is not a summary of workshop )

Workshops (we are responsible – coordinate with program committee) 3 workshops/session – 2 sessions =6 total – 1.5 hrs each (e.g. 3 speakers) ( speakers each with a coffee break 25+5) Topics – IA) Status and Future Prospects of Underground Physics (Brad Filippone (Caltech), Alan Poon (LBNL) – IB) Probing the New Standard Model Brad Filippone (Caltech), Alan Poon (LBNL) review the present status and future prospects of these measurements and their impacts to the new Standard Model. – II A, B And Here be Dragons: Understanding the Nature of Unstable Isotopes (Jutta Escher (LLNL), Calvin Johnson (SDSU)) Goals of the workshop: Summarize key activities of ongoing low-energy nuclear structure and reactions research aimed at elucidating the nature of unstable nuclei. Highlight the overarching questions to be addressed by this research and issues to be resolved in the context of this work. Both theory and experiment will be covered. – III A, BHeavy Ions - post QM 2012 (K. Barish (UCRiverside), M. Calderon (UCDavis) Ri.Hollis (UCR), A.Iordanova (UCR) J. Thomas (LLNL) Heavy Ions (will be many new results) (Can we get Manuel to be in Charge?) – Jets, quarkonia, heavy flavor, energy scan – Theory RHIC/Spin (Ken in charge?) – Longitudinal - primarily results from 500GeV run: A_L (W) and A_LL for DeltaG. – Transverse (500 and 200GeV) - STAR FMS, PHENIX MPC results – Possibly also pQCD theory talk. Global analysis and/or transverse phenomena

Anything else? (ben, jim, Carol?)