Chapter 4 Life in Medieval Towns Prereading Page Directions: There are four key terms in Chapter 4: charter, guild, apprentice, and common law. Pick 2 key terms to complete the diagrams to the right In the center of each circle, write 1 of the key terms from Chapter 4. 2.In box 1, describe the term in your own words. 3.In box 2, compare the term to one thing it is similar to and contrast the term to one thing it is different from. 4.In box 3, list 3 words the term brings to mind. 5.In box 4, sketch a picture to represent the term. Directions: For the other 2 key terms, write the definition from the textbook and use the key term in a sentence of your own. Definition: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Sentence: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
What is the title of the chapter? List the section titles below. Quickly sketch 2 images from the chapter in the boxes below. Underneath each box, using complete sentences, write a caption that explains what you think is going on in the picture/your sketch. Caption: Based on the information above, write 2 predictions in complete sentences about what you will learn in this chapter Read the chapter summary on the last page of the chapter. Write 1 sentence that explains what you think is the main idea of the chapter.
Preview Directions: 1.In the image below, highlight a detail that gives a clue about each of the following topics: living conditions, jobs, entertainment 2.For each detail highlighted, add a note in the margin that explains what you think the detail says about that topic. 3.Draw a line to connect each detail to its note.
Section 4.2: The Growth of Medieval Towns 1.After the fall of the Roman Empire, where did most people in western Europe live? 2.Explain how better farming methods contributed to the growth of towns. 4.Explain how some medieval towns, such as Flanders and Venice, became particularly wealthy. 5.Describe 2 reasons those who lived in towns often fought for their independence. 3.Explain how the revival of trade contributed to the growth of towns. 6.Describe how a town was able to peacefully become independent of a feudal lord. A. B.
Section 4.3: Guilds 1.What is a guild? 2.What are the 2 main types of guild? 3.List 5 things that guilds did. A. B. C. D. E. 4.How did guilds help their members and the families of their members? 5.In the chart below, describe the process a person would go through to become the member of a guild. Starting around age 12… After 7 years… Master and Guild Member! If setting up a business was not possible yet…
Section 4.4: Trade and Commerce 1.How did trade change from the beginning of the Middle Ages to the High Middle Ages? 2.Describe 2 ways that people who lived in towns obtained their goods. 3.Explain how merchants became the most wealthy and powerful citizens of towns. 4.Describe how Jews were often mistreated in medieval Europe. 5.What was an opportunity that was open to Jews? Why? A. B.
Section 4.5: Homes and Households 1.Describe the typical home in a medieval town. 2.If you were to visit a poor family in a medieval town, what are 3 things you might notice about their home? 3.Describe how the home of a wealthy family was organized. 4.What was difficult about growing up in a medieval town? 5.How were the lives of medieval girls different from those of modern girls? 50% A. B. C.
Section 4.6: Disease and Medical Treatment 1.Describe 5 different conditions in medieval towns that led to the spread of disease. 2.What are some of the common diseases in medieval Europe? 3.What was the most feared disease in medieval Europe? 4.List 4 different treatments used by medieval doctors. A. B. C. D.“Bloodletting,” which was when…
Section 4.7: Crime and Punishment 1.Describe 2 methods for deciding the guilt or innocence of accused criminals in the Early Middle Ages. 2.What are 2 forms of punishment for lesser crimes? 3.What are 2 forms of punishment for more serious crimes? 4.What changes occurred in England during the 1100s which helped protect people’s individual rights?
Section 4.8: Leisure and Entertainment 1.What were some popular children’s activities in medieval Europe? 2.What were some leisure activities enjoyed by adults in medieval Europe? 3.What kinds of entertainment could be found at fairs? 4.What was the difference between a mystery play and a miracle play?