Task 11.4: Spallation and fragmentation reactions David Pérez Loureiro Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain Eurisol DS, Task 11 meeting,Helsinki.


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Presentation transcript:

Task 11.4: Spallation and fragmentation reactions David Pérez Loureiro Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain Eurisol DS, Task 11 meeting,Helsinki September‘07

Milestones  Provide data and benchmarking of models for the reactions: 1 A GeV 238 U + p, d - evaporation residues, fission fragments (GSI, USC – month 12) Done 1 A GeV 238 U + Pb – fission fragments (especially low-energy fission) (GSI, USC – month 12) Done 1 A GeV 136 Xe + p, Be, Pb - neutron-rich nuclides (cold fragmentation) (GSI, USC – month 18) Done 1 A GeV 238 U, 208 Pb + Be - neutron-rich nuclides (cold fragmentation) (USC – month 18) Almost finished  Systematic calculations of nuclide production cross-sections (GSI, USC, VINCA) In progress Eurisol DS, Task 11 meeting,Helsinki September‘07

Completed work during the first 33 months  The full residue production for the reaction 238 U(1 A GeV)+ 1 H, 2 H,Pb E. Casarejos et al. PRC 74, (2006) J. Pereira et al. PRC 75, (2007) Eurisol DS, Task 11 meeting,Helsinki September‘07

IMF FISSION EVAP. RESIDUES ALL Completed work during the first 33 months  The predictive power of the ABLA evaporation codes is being improved: - IMF emission 238 U(1 A GeV)+ 1 H - fission model 238 U(1 A GeV)+Pb - collective excitations and dynamics of fission 238 U(1 A GeV)+ 2 H 238 U(1 A GeV)+ 1 H 238 U(1 AGeV)+ 2 H Statistical model Fission with quasi-stationary effects Fission with stationary and transient M.V. Ricciardi et al. PRC 73 (2006) J. Benlliure et al. PRC 74, (2006) Eurisol DS, Task 11 meeting,Helsinki September‘07

Completed work during the first 33 months  Production of neutron-rich nuclei in reactions induced by 136 Xe 136 Xe(1 A GeV) + p,Be,Ti,Pb 136 Xe(500 A MeV) + p,d,Ti 136 Xe(200 A MeV) +Ti 124 Xe(1 A GeV) + Be,Pb Eurisol DS, Task 11 meeting,Helsinki September‘07

Completed work during the first 33 months  Production of medium-mass neutron-rich nuclei in 136 Xe(1 AGeV)+Be 124 Pd Eurisol DS, Task 11 meeting,Helsinki September‘07

Completed work during the first 33 months  Role of the projectile energy in the fragmentation cross sections 136 Xe(1000 A MeV)+Ti 136 Xe(500 A MeV)+Ti 136 Xe(200 A MeV)+Ti Calculation including charge-exchange channels Calculation without Charge-exchange channels Eurisol DS, Task 11 meeting,Helsinki September‘07

Completed work during the first 33 months  Production of neutron-rich nuclei in reactions induced by 208 Pb Analysis of 238 U+Be data in progress 208 Pb(1 A GeV)+Be EPAX COFRA Eurisol DS, Task 11 meeting,Helsinki September‘07

Planned work  Finalized the analysis on the production of extremely neutron- rich residues in the reaction 238 U(1 A GeV) + Be  Systematic calculations of nuclide production cross sections  better definition of this task  Publication of the measured data  136 Xe(1 A GeV) + Be (production of medium-mass neutron-rich nuclei)  136 Xe(1000, 500, 200 A MeV) + Ti (energy dependence of the fragmentation cross sections)  208 Pb(1 A GeV) + Be (production of heavy neutron-rich nuclei) Eurisol DS, Task 11 meeting,Helsinki September‘07