THE MCPFE AND THE OUTCOMES OF THE „LIVING FOREST SUMMIT“ Stefanie Linser FAO/ECE/ILO Seminar on Close to Nature Forestry Zvolen, Slovakia, October 2003
CONTENTS MCPFE – structure, working modalities and Conferences “Living Forest Summit” in Vienna 2003 Follow-up
MCPFECHARACTERISTICS The Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE) is an initiative of the European countries at ministerial level addresses common opportunities and challenges related to forests and forestry
MCPFE OVERALL GOAL to promote sustainable forest management (SFM) in Europe through participatory and open co-operation 44 European countries + EC and 41 “observer” countries and organisations
Round Table Meetings Working Groups, Workshops Expert Level Meetings Ministerial Conferences Secretariat: Liaison Unit (currently in Vienna) General Co-ordinating Committee (GCC) MCPFE MEETINGS
Stras- bourg 1990 Helsinki 1993 Lisbon 1998 UNCED 1992 VIENNA2003 MCPFE PROCESS
Implementation of StrasbourgResolutions mainly through research programmes and networks S1: Monitoring Forest Ecosystems S2: Conservation Forest Genetic Resources S3: Databank Forest Fires S4: Adapting Management Mountain Forests S5: Research Network Tree Physiology S6: European Forest Ecosystems Research Network STRASBOURG 1990
HELSINKI 1993 Participation of IUFRO in Helsinki Conference Involvement of the scientific community in the development of C&I and PEOLG for SFM H1: General Guidelines for SFM H2: General Guidelines for the Conservation of Biodiversity H3: Forestry Co-operation with CEECs H4: Strategies for Adaptation of Forests to Climate Change
LISBON 1998 Preparation of Lisbon Conference facilitated also through research organisations (EFI, IUFRO), Implementation through MCPFE Work Programme, e.g. work on NFPs n L1: Socio-Economic Aspects of SFM n L2: Pan-European C&I and PEOLG for SFM n “Biodiversity” Work Programme
MULTI STAKEHOLDER DIALOGUE 5 major groups: forest owners, forest industry, social NGOs, environmental NGOs and scientific community Different statements pointing out views of the respective major groups General support to positive role of MCPFE
VIENNADECLARATION Main sections: - Benefiting rural livelihood and urban societies - Building strong partnerships - Tackling global challenges - Putting MCPFE commitments into action
VIENNARESOLUTIONS Vienna Resolution 1: Strengthen Synergies for SFM in Europe through Cross-sectoral Co- operation and National Forest Programmes Vienna Resolution 2: Enhancing Economic Viability of SFM in Europe Vienna Resolution 3: Preserving and Enhancing the Social and Cultural Dimension of SFM in Europe
VIENNARESOLUTIONS Vienna Resolution 4: Conserving and Enhancing Forest Biological Diversity in Europe Vienna Resolution 5: Climate Change and SFM in Europe
ANNEXES Improved Pan-European Indicators for SFM MCPFE Approach to National Forest Programmes in Europe Framework for Co-operation Between MCPFE and “EfE/PEBLDS” MCPFE Assessment Guidelines for Protected and Protective Forest and OWL
CONFERENCE REPORTS State of Europe‘s Forests 2003 The MCPFE Report on Sustainable Forest Managment Implementation of MCPFE Commitments National and Pan-European Activities
Elaboration of work programme: - Initial discussion at Expert Level Meeting in October Important: co-operative approach FOLLOW-UP