PERC NIS Health and Safety Meeting Brussels, December 14 th, 2009 What is on trade union agenda HESA priorities
PERC NIS Health and Safety Meeting Brussels, December 14 th, 2009 Our priorities: general aspects Articulation between EU strategy and national strategies Strengthening the preventive structures Safety Reps Preventive services Labour inspection Monitoring the situation (not only accidents!) ...
PERC NIS Health and Safety Meeting Brussels, December 14 th, 2009 Our priorities: Thematics for legislative developments & others Chemicals: The REACH context Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation of Chemicals Carcinogens Reproductive risks Limit-values The new Helsinki Agency
PERC NIS Health and Safety Meeting Brussels, December 14 th, 2009 Chemicals and Occupational diseases/fatalities in Europe 18 % of workers in EU-25 declare to handle hazardous substances and 20,5 % to breath in toxic vapours (Dublin Foundation, 2006) In 2001, more than deaths of EU-15 workers due to exposure to hazardous chemicals (ILO, 2005) One out of every three occupational diseases recognised each year in EU-15 are related to exposure to chemicals (based on Eurostat data, 2004)
PERC NIS Health and Safety Meeting Brussels, December 14 th, 2009 Our priorities: Thematics for legislative developments & others MSD We know already enough … it is time to act (+ new directive?) Linking the OSH agenda with broader labour market issues Gender Precarious work and precarious life
PERC NIS Health and Safety Meeting Brussels, December 14 th, 2009 Our priorities: A European campaign on Risk Assessment What is Risk Assessment? RA is the first step to safer and healthier workplaces and the key to reducing work-related accidents and diseases. RA is the process of evaluating the risks to workers´ safety and health from workplace hazards. It is a systematic examination of all aspects of work that considers: – What could cause injury or harm, – Whether hazards can be eliminated and, if not, – What preventive or protective measures need to be in place to control the risks. Guidance on risk assessment at work, Lux: Office for Official Pub.,..., Good for you. Good for business.
PERC NIS Health and Safety Meeting Brussels, December 14 th, 2009 Our priorities: A European campaign on Risk Assessment Good for you. Good for business. How to do a Risk Assessment? There are two principles which should always be born in mind when carrying out an RA: – Structure the assessment to ensure that all relevant hazards and risks are addressed (e.g. not overlooking secondary tasks, such as cleaning). – When a risk is identified, begin assessment by questioning if the risk can be eliminated. Guidance on risk assessment at work, Lux: Office for Official Pub.,..., 1996.
PERC NIS Health and Safety Meeting Brussels, December 14 th, 2009 Our priorities: A European campaign on Risk Assessment Good for you. Good for business. Five-step approach to RA: 1. Identifying hazards and people at risk 2. Evaluating and prioritising risks 3. Deciding on preventive action 4. Taking action 5. Monitoring and reviewing Remember: RA should be done with the employees’ active involvement
PERC NIS Health and Safety Meeting Brussels, December 14 th, 2009 Our priorities: Other thematics Stress: monitoring the implementation of the agreement Violence: national implementation process Guides (migrants, OHSM, working equipment, MSD, etc.)
PERC NIS Health and Safety Meeting Brussels, December 14 th, 2009 Our priorities: Strengthening our influence in the EU agencies and institutions Luxembourg Bilbao Dublin Euro Parliament Commission & Council (Member States)
PERC NIS Health and Safety Meeting Brussels, December 14 th, 2009 Fields for cooperation with HESA Developing of work programme Cooperation in the information system (web, Newsletter, e-Newsletter) Campaigning together Risk Assessemnt MSD Safety reps Networks Carcinogens and reprotoxics Etc…
PERC NIS Health and Safety Meeting Brussels, December 14 th, 2009 Identify hazard Evaluate the risk Eliminate the risk Find a substitution Control the risk Protect yourself OR ESCAPE! 7 principles of accident prevention
PERC NIS Health and Safety Meeting Brussels, December 14 th, 2009 What is on trade union agenda QUESTIONS? COMMENTS?