T2 GEM Production in Helsinki Kari Kurvinen TOTEM T2 EDR meeting Radiation Detector Laboratory of Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP) and Department of Physical Sciences of University of Helsinki.
28 cm No bonding anymore HV resistor divider board Test Cards T2 GEM design triple GEM foils Ar/CO 2 70/30 gas mixture operating gas gain M = 8000 design by F.Sauli & L.Ropelewski based on COMPASS GEM design GEM foils manufactured by CERN readout boards by CERN and a commercial company
radial strip readout split asymmetric APV VFAT support rails asymmetric spacers HV READOUT STRUCTURE XXX fully digital readout (no analog information used) 512 strips (pitch of 400 microns) 1560 pads (2x2 -> 7x7 mm 2 ) readout via connectors
T2 GEM production in Helsinki construction of 40+ GEM detectors for TOTEM T2 is on responsibility of the Helsinki group. a ”GEM production line” has been constructed in the detector laboratory of HIP Compass GEM production as a guideline (ref. M.Capean, B.Ketzer, A.Placci,L.Ropelewski, F.Sauli, M.van Stenis; Construction of GEM Detectors for the Compass Experiment, Technical Note TA1/00-03, CERN- EP/TA1).
Facilities for large GEM production dryboxes for leakage current measurements and for storage large area probe station ultrasonic bath for large frames oven for large foils
Production in clean rooms almost all the manufacturing phases in clean rooms. >120 m 2 clean room (classes 100 & 1000) available. usage currently shared by TOTEM and ALICE groups.
Clean room monitoring Particles temperature and humidity is continuously recorded as well
Main tasks in the production I.cleaning and varnishing of the frames. II.glueing of the drift electrode. III.streching and glueing of the GEM foils. IV.testing the readout boards. V.assembling all the parts together. VI.assembling connectors (gas, HV). VII.checking gas tightness. VIII.electronic tests. Handling procedures of the separate detector components are registered into a database.
A lot of manual work!
GEM FOILS visual inspection (coordinates of the major defects recorded). optical scanning dried in a desiccator. 1. leakage current measurements of all the segments in the foils (criteria <0.5 nA). streching and glueing on the frames curing > 16 hours in oven cut out from the foil 2. leakage current measurements
Leakage current measurements of GEM foils the four segments of the GEM foils are measured separately by a picoamp meter. a foil approved if current stays < 0.5 nA for 30+ leakage currents measured three times during assembly (as a bare foil, after framing and after gluing into a stack). 36 measurement / detector in N 2 spark! B-segment > 5 min in N 2 C-segment HV ramp up 12 min Present status: 21 foils checked (incl. prototypes), 2 failed
READOUT BOARD visual inspection capacitance measurement A.probe station & LCR meter B.semiautomatic relay system connectors soldered short circuits burned
Assembling components together in clean room of class 100 all the three framed GEM foils are glued one after the other on the drift frame (a special press constructed). consumption of the glue measured. 3. leakage current of the GEM foils checked after gluing. GEM stack glued on the readout board.
Assembling connectors gas tightness by Araldite & Dow Corning assembling: i. the voltage divider PCB ii.the adapters for the gas connectors and blocking the holes on the backside. iii.HV cables
TESTS GAS LEAKAGE TEST ELECTRONIC TESTS a.HV test in CO 2 or N 2 b.Basic measurement (gas amplification, energy resolution) c.Stability measurement d.Gas gain scan over active area.
Gas tightness TOOLS AVAILABLE comparison of in- and outflow leak detector oxygen measurement from the outflow
Basic measurements of HG1 55 Fe
Gas gain scan of readout sectors The gas gain of the whole readout sectors (128 strips or 120 pads) are measured. Due to different capacitances of pad and strip sectors and a limitation of preamplifier used the measurement may not be compared between pad and strip sectors.
Gas gain scan with a point source Different areas of the second half of the HG1 GEM were irradiated by 55 Fe source (50 points) 128 strips or 120 pads readout Std.dev.: on inner strips 5.8% on outer strips 10% on pads 8.1%
Prototypes one for the beam test (Nov. 2004) two built in Helsinki during 2005 T2 GEMs two built in Helsinki during 2005 chambers for 3rd,4th and 5th GEMs finished STATUS Jan. 2006
Conclusions the radiation detector laboratory of Helsinki has unique facilities to assemble and test large area gaseous detectors. a production of TOTEM T2 GEMs has successfully started.