HEALTH PROMOTION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PAHO/SDES seminar Pekka Puska Director General National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) Past President, World Heart Federation (WHF) Vice Precident, Int. Ass. of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI)
Pekka Puska, Director General GREETINGS FROM FINLAND
Global Public Health in Transition Chronic diseases – especially cardio-vascular diseases Leading health problem in industrialized countries Main killers and rapidly growing problem in developing countries Pekka Puska, Director General
Global Health Burden Estimated global deaths by cause, all ages, 2005 Source : WHO 2005: «Preventing Chronic Diseases: A Vital Investment» 3
Lifestyle Transition Emerging global epidemic of NCDs is to a great extent a consequence of changes in the diets, of declining physical activity and of increase of tobacco use The determinants of these changes are urbanisation, changes in occupations, population ageing and many global influences Risks are increasingly accumulating in lower socio-economic groups of the population Pekka Puska, Director General
NCDs are preventable From a medical point of view NDCs are to a great extent preventable diseases until late in life Prevention is based on the elimination of lifestyle-related risk factors (tobacco, diet, physical activity, alcohol) Lifestyles are greatly influenced by social and physical environments Amenable to policies Pekka Puska, Director General
NCD prevention pays off For the individual, successful prevention means avoidance of diseases and related costs, promotion of health and well being, and healthy ageing For the society and the nation, prevention means reduced disease burden, control of health care costs, increased productivity and a promotion of sustainable and favourable socio economic development Globally, special responsibilities fall to low- and middle-income countries Pekka Puska, Director General
History in Finland Hardships of war and postwar years Relative increase in standard of living Great increase in CVD Attention to extremely high CVD mortality Determined action: North Karelia Project Pekka Puska, Director General 6/12/2016
12/06/2016 Pekka Puska, Director General9 3
12/06/2016 Pekka Puska, Director General10 Main Principles of the North Karelia Project Prevention is the only sustainable public health approach Risk factors identified by prospective studies, closely linked with certain behaviours - deeply enrooted in the community Community based preventive programme 1Target: the community (not individuals) 2Intervention: through community structures (not external intervention) Emphasis on community organization, general community changes NORTH KARELIA NATIONAL ACTION
12/06/2016 Pekka Puska, Director General11 LIFESTYLES, RISK FACTORS AND NCD RATES CAN CHANGE!
12/06/2016 Pekka Puska, Director General12 Use of Butter on Bread (men age 30 – 59) Kg/m 2
12/06/2016 Pekka Puska, Director General13
12/06/2016 Pekka Puska, Director General14 Figure X. Prevalence of daily smoking in Finland in 1960–2010 and selected tobacco control actions. Sources: National Institute for Health and Welfare, Health Behaviour and Health among the Finnish Adult Population –studies 1978– 2010; Leppo & Vertio (1986).
Change in age-adjusted mortality rates Finland, males aged 35–64 (per population) extension of the Project nationally start of the North Karelia Project North Karelia -85% All Finland -80% Rate per Change from to 2006 All causes % All cardiovascular % Coronary heart disease % All cancers % Coronary heart disease Gain of some 10 healthy years in Finnish popupaltion Gain of some 10 healthy years in Finnish popupaltion
6/12/2016 Pekka Puska, Director General Sihvonen ym Subjective health years years sic / disability healthy / no disability sic / disability healthy / no disability men womenmenwomen Healthy and sick years of life expectancy of 65 year old Finns in 1980 and in 2000 Managing basic functions
Health in All Policies: Examples of intersectoral work in Finland Development of Finnish Rapeseed oil Change in fat content of Finnish cow milk
Examples of intersectoral work 2. Biscuit example: Leading Finnish biscuit manufacturer (LU Finland Ltd) has removed some kg of SAFA by changing the fats used All trans fats removed and major transfer to rapeseed oil Meat product example: HK (Leading Finnish meat company) since 2007 annually: kg less salt kg less saturated fat in their products
12/06/2016 Pekka Puska, Director General19
Pekka Puska, Director General20 Prevention targets the population levels of most important risk factors. 12/06/2016
Pekka Puska, Director General
23 WHO’S NCD STRATEGY 2000 NCD’s a priority Prevention key Integrated approach, targeting main behavioural factors: diet, physical activity and tobacco WHO NCD ACTION PLAN (WHA 2008) 12/06/2016
Cornerstones of NCD prevention and control (WHO global strategy) Attention to behavioural risk factors –Tobacco use –Unhealthy diet –Physical inactivity –Harmful use of alcohol Monitoring and surveillance of –Risk factors and diseases –Preventive actions Redirection of health services –Prevention –Chronic care model Pekka Puska, Director General
25 NATIONAL LEVEL Governments have a basic responsibility for public health. 12/06/2016
Comprehensive action and partnership for national NCD prevention Health services Governments (national, local) Civil society (NGOs) Private sector Media International collaboration
Entry points for NCD prevention & control Diseases –Vertical, clinical, limited public health impact Risk factors/lifestyles –Direct impact on many NCDs, cost-effective at a population level Determinants –Basic, general political decisions for health promoting conditions and possibilities Pekka Puska, Director General
During the last few years a great number of strategies and plans for evidence-based, effective prevention and health promotion have been produced Many important priorities have been identified Emphasis on implementation! Pekka Puska, Director General
Global instruments for influencing NCD lifestyles Tobacco: FCTC (2003) Diet & Physical activity: global strategy (2004) Alcohol: global strategy (2010) Global instruments needed for counteracting negative social consequences of globalization
Global action: low- and middle- income countries in focus Global action is needed to reverse negative trends and to take effective action for NCD prevention and control - as a major issue for supporting positive and sustainable socioeconomic development: Advocacy Development of global instruments Global agreements Global financial decisions Monitoring and reporting
Health is essential part of sustainable social development Level of public health Reduction of inequity within and between population Poverty healthpoverty 12/06/2016 Pekka Puska, Director General31
National economics and public health (NCD prevention) Control on health care costs Availability and capacity of labour force Functional capacity of the growing elderly population (control of social care costs) 12/06/2016 Pekka Puska, Director General32
WHO’s ministeral conference on NCDs Moscow April 2011 Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, together with WHO Resolution for necessary actions Pekka Puska, Director General
UN high-level summit on NCDs New York Sept 2011 ”Unprecedented opportunity” for high- level political support and action on global NCD prevention and control” Political declaration
NCD prevention/public health improvement as a key for global health WHO’s leadership Strengthened instruments (like FCTC) Good national and global monitoring Development resources to NCD prevention (New York political declaration) 12/06/2016 Pekka Puska, Director General35
12/06/2016 Pekka Puska, Director General36
From Ottawa to Helsinki
Jointly organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland and the World Health Organization Helsinki, Finland from 10 to 14 June 2013 Target audience: –High and mid-level representatives from Member State Governments –NGOs, experts Up to 800 participants from all WHO regions - by invitation only 8 plenary sessions, 24 parallel sessions Europe Day Finnish site visits – get to know the Finnish way of working Follow-up 8 th Global Conference on Health Promotion
6/12/2016 Muchas gracias Thanks
12/06/2016 Pekka Puska, Director General40