Electron and Photon HLT alley M. Witek K. Senderowska, A. Żurański
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek2 Ecal Alley - Introduction Two lines ready: γ -line and e-line γ -line B s →φγ optimized using offline selection by Lesya e-lines B + → K + e + e - offline selection for trigger (Hans) B s →J/ψ(ee)φ lifetime unbiased selection (Adlene) π 0 -line Work not started yet
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek3 L0 decision statistics L0 „crosstalk” Signal photons do not always produce photon L0 candidate (same for electrons and π 0 ) Specific feature of Ecal Alley. Need to be taken into account in HLT Example: start photon line for L0Photons and L0Electrons Bs→φγBs→φγB s →J/ψ(ee)φ e γ π 0 γ e π 0 e γ not e π 0 not e, not γ γ e not γ π 0 not γ, not e L0 Candidates from signal that trigger
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek4 γ - line
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek5 γ -line B s →φγ φ and γ are two independent elements: High p T γ (off-line cut p T >2.8 GeV) φ→KK, kaons correlated, relatively low p T Strategy: 1. Start line if L0DecPhoton or L0DecElectron L0 electron: anti-confirmation (no track in T) → proceed as L0 Photons L0 photon: confirmation (π 0 – merged removal) 2. Find 2 high IP tracks with a bit of p T
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek6 L0 photon – π 0 merged removal 85 % of L0 photons that trigger min bias are due to π 0 Check quality of L0 photon – remove π 0 to reduce mbias rate Inspired by method of Sergey Barsuk – „ γ/π 0 separation at high E T ” ECAL reconstruction needed to calculate shower shape variables. At this early stage of HLT1 it is has to be a fast version of Calo reconstruction. Provided by Victor Egorychev Fast reconstruction in the area around a given seed cell Treat 3 ECAL regions separately (different cell size) γ from signal π 0 merged selected from min bias events (two photons contributing to one cluster)
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek7 L0 photon – shower shape variables γ shape γ asymγ kappa π 0 shape π 0 kappaπ 0 asym
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek8 L0 photon – π 0 merged removal Signal eff = 90 % and 50 % reduction of mbias events Cut here Input variables: 1.E γ 2.Shape 3.Tails/Core 4.Asymmetry 5.Kappa
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek9 Hadron part - φ→KK 3D IP 2D IP Correlation in PT distributions of kaons Large fraction – both PT<1500 MeV Loss in 2D => 3D HLT phase of VELO track reconstruction ET1 vs ET2 IP1 vs IP2 ET vs IP 2D 3D IP Not available at 1 MHz
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek10 Electron lines
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek11 Electron lines – standard selection Two lines (correlated) Single electron Di-electron B + → K + e + e -. Focus on e + e -, IP cut used. Both starting from L0 Electron e + vs e - distributions for L0Electron = 1 L0: p T >2.6 GeV IP 2D loss can be recovered if L0 e from signal
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek12 Structure of electron lines L0 electron Second electron 1. T confirmation 2. Velo – T matching (2D followed by 3D) 3. IP > 0.15 mm PT>3 GeV: single electron decision 4. Velo 3D 5. e+e- vertex 6. Forward reco 7. Calo confirmation- fast reco Optional (sufficient MB reduction without this step) PT>1 GeV: di-electron decision
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek13 Di-electron line – lifetime unbiased selection B s →J/ψ(ee)φ Difference wrt standard selection No cut on IP Invariant mass of e + e - around J/ψ mass Adjust PT cut φ not used → essentialy J/ψ selection Electron momentum correction for radiation used offline Same needed in HLT First implementation is ready
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek14 ECAL alley performance Tuning still going on (feedback Hlt1 – off-line selections) Photon line working point seems to be close to optimal adding L0Elelectrons crutial to get good overall L0*HLT1 efficiency Electron lines standard selection (IP cut) Lifetime unbiased selection to be improved HLT1 decisionSignal efficiencyMin bias rate γ - line 75 %~5 kHz Single electron70 %~2 kHz Di electron - standard78 %~3 kHz Di electron – no IP~60 %~few kHz Example of performance numbers
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek15 Summary ECAL alley status. γ -line: close to optimal. e-lines: implemented, tuning still going on – start with L0 π 0 local, improve lifetime unbiased selection π 0 - line: work to be started
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek16 Backup slides
Calorimeter meeting - M. Witek17 L0 photon – π 0 merged removal Check quality of L0 photon – remove π 0 to reduce mbias rate Inspired by method of Sergey Barsuk – „ γ/π 0 separation at high E T ” Shower Shape Tails/Core Asymmetry Kappa Variables for π 0 /γ resolution