Traditional trade deals cut tariffs & quotas Benefits of promoting free trade are well-accepted tenets of mainstream economics But there are losers from free trade Benefits depend on redistributing gains to share between winners and losers Theoretically everyone is better off Income growth by income percentile across GLOBAL income distribution Source: Branko Milanovic 2013, Global Policy, Volume 4 Issue 2. May 2013.
Who benefits from TPP? Source: Petri & Brunner 2016, “The Economic Effects of the Trans-Pacific Partnership: New Estimates,” Peterson Institute for International Economics Working Paper #16-2, January 2016.
Traditional trade deals cut tariffs & quotas Benefits of promoting free trade are well-accepted tenets of mainstream economics But there are losers from free trade Benefits depend on redistributing gains to share between winners and losers Theoretically everyone is better off But in reality that does not happen Income growth by income percentile across GLOBAL income distribution Source: Branko Milanovic 2013, Global Policy, Volume 4 Issue 2. May 2013.
Support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership ForUnknown/unclearAgainst BushXX ChristieXX CarsonX KasichX RubioXXX ClintonXX CruzXX FiorinaXX SandersXXX TrumpXXX
Oh by the way, it’s much more complicated than you thought… Tariff cuts are only 12% of the benefits of the TPP Non-tariff barriers (68%) Also other items (20%) that are much more difficult to measure Investor-State Dispute Settlement Intellectual Property Protection Labor and Environmental Standards Geopolitical concerns (??)