ALL ROADS LEAD TO EMPLOYMENT Skills for Employment: Your GPS Guide PRESENTED BY: The Center for Change in Transition Services
Registration 1) Use the “Chat Box” to let us know the following: ◦ Name, , title, and school district 2) CCTS will conduct a sound check at 2:30 and 2:40. We will begin at 2:45 and end by 3:45. Thank you for joining us today!
Center for Change in Transition Services Seattle University OSPI State Needs Project Center for Change in Transition Services Improving post-school outcomes for students with disabilities in Washington state Seattle University OSPI State Needs Project This webinar is closed-captioned. To view the captioning click on the CC icon just above the video.
Your GPS Guide: Agenda 1. Putting it all together2. Age Appropriate Transition Assessments3. Post-School Goals4. Transition Services
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Your GPS Guide…to post-school success
Washington State Postschool Data Higher Education 23.5% Competitively Employed 23% Other Education/Training 5% Other Employment 13% Not Engaged 34%
Modified from NSTTAC Quality IEPs Stay in School Graduate Positive Post-school Outcomes (Indicator 13) (Indicator 2) (Indicator 1) (Indicator 14) Critical Interrelationship
Definition of Transition Transition services are designed to be a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that is designed to be a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities
Definition of Transition is based on the individual child’s needs, strengths, preferences, and interest; and includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation. 20 U.S.C. § 1401(34)
Definition of Transition including post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation;
Conduct Age-Appropriate Transition Assessments Write Measurable Postsecondary Goals Identify Transition Services Write the Course of Study Coordinate Services with Adult Agencies NeedsStrengthsPreferencesInterests Education/TrainingEmploymentIndependent Living (as needed) Specially Designed Instruction Related Services Community Experiences Employment & Living Skills Write the Annual IEP Goals FLOW CHART
Skills for Employment Emotional Intelligence Self-Determination Self-Advocacy Independent Living Supports for Employment Your GPS Guide and the IEP
Questions to Consider What knowledge and skills does the student still need to acquire to obtain these goals in education and training, employment, and independent living? Walker, A. R., Fowler, C. H., Kortering, L. J. & Rowe, D. (2010). Transition Assessment Toolkit (2nd ed.). Charlotte, NC: National Secondary Technical Assistance Center How do we know or how can we determine the student’s current knowledge or skills as related to the PS Goals?
TRANSITION ASSESSMENTS Your GPS Guide…to post-school success Conduct Age-Appropriate Transition Assessments NeedsStrengthsPreferencesInterests
Age Appropriate Assessments The measurable postsecondary goals, supporting annual goals, transition services & agency connections are developed or confirmed by this assessment information which is updated and reviewed at least annually.
Age Appropriate Assessments Needs: What are the main barriers to the student reaching postsecondary endeavors (e.g., college/training program, a job/career, accessing the community, or living independently)? Strengths: What strengths does the student have in meeting some of life’s demands as they relate to education/training, employment, and independent living? Interests: What are the student’s interests, currently and in the future? What activities/experiences promote curiosity and catch their attention? Preferences: Given the opportunity to choose from available options in the areas of education/training, employment, and independent living, what options, according to the student, will motivate the student and make him/her happiest and productive?
Age Appropriate Assessments Washington Career Bridge My Next Move Inside Jobs
Age Appropriate Assessments OHIO Employability Skills elsa_documents Casey Life Skills Do2Learn gInterests/WhatsYourScene/Overview.html
Age Appropriate Assessments Self-Determination ocuments/miscellaneous/the-arc-self- determination-scale.pdf The 411 on Disability disability-disclosure AIR Self-Determination rs-and-partnerships/zarrow/self- determination-assessment-tools/air-self- determination-assessment.html
NeedsStrengths Interpersonal: Needs work socializing (staff/parents) Academic/functional: Needs assistance figuring out new expectations and routines (student) Needs support in learning new activities (DVR Worksite) Community/Vocation: Needs to develop skills to determine appropriate clothing for the day’s activities (Employability Skills Assessment) Interpersonal Hard worker (student) Good at memorizing and playing sports (staff) Nice and responsible (staff) Community/Vocational: Was a good football manager (student) Strengths lie in punctuality, dependability, appropriateness, team work and initiative. (Employability Skills Assessment) Transition Gathering Form for Todd Date 10/06/09 By: SE Teacher, Student, Family, GE Teacher, Admin, Counselor, Psych, Parapro, Support Staff
PreferencesInterests Interpersonal Prefers to work with people rather than alone (student) Community/Vocational: (staff/supervisor) Enjoys working in food/restaurant settings Punctual, prepared and eager Enjoys jobs that are repetitious Preference towards being a “Finisher” and a “Detailer” (Basic Work Preference Assessment) Interpersonal: (student) Enjoys participating in activities with other people Likes working in restaurants Community/Work: While working as a Football Manager or in the Special Olympics is a capable and willing individual Would like to work with people, serving others, or selling items (Vocational Interest Survey Assessment) Transition Gathering Form for Todd Date 10/06/09 By: SE Teacher, Student, Family, GE Teacher, Admin, Counselor, Psych, Parapro, Support Staff
POST-SCHOOL GOALS Your GPS Guide…to post-school success Write Measurable Postsecondary Goals Education/TrainingEmploymentIndependent Living (as needed)
Writing Postsecondary Goals Formula: After high school, (student) will (measured behavior) (where & how). Example for postsecondary education/training: After high school, Todd will receive on-the-job training in the food services industry. After high school, Todd will obtain a Culinary Arts Cooking Certificate at a community college. After high school, Todd will obtain a Culinary Arts Degree at a South Seattle College.
Writing Postsecondary Goals Formula: After high school, (student) will (measured behavior) (where & how). Example for postsecondary employment: After high school, Todd will be employed in the food services industry. After high school, Todd will be employed as a Sous Chef, in a restaurant. After high school, Todd will own his own food catering business in a large metropolitan area.
TRANSITION SERVICES Your GPS Guide…to post-school success Identify Transition Services Specially Designed Instruction Related Services Community Experiences Employment & Living Skills
Transition Services Transition services are a set of coordinated activities designed to be a results-oriented process that facilitates the successful movement from school to postsecondary living. These activities are based on the student's needs, strengths, preferences, and interests. Transition services include instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post- school living objectives and when appropriate, daily living skills.
Enrolled in ____ Classes Learn and practice self-advocacy skills (be specific) Practice ____ skills Interviewing skill instruction Evaluation for _______ in relation to postsecondary goal Participate in a career awareness program Instruction in budgeting, interview skills, reading informational text, time management skills, Participate in job shadowing experience Instruction in personal grooming, how to call for assistance, working with an interpreter, navigating public transportation Identify Transition Services Specially Designed Instruction Related Services Community Experiences Employment & Living Skills
Flow Chart ASSESSEMENTS (interests, strengths, needs, preferences) Postsecondary Education Goal: - based on assessments After graduation, Janice will enlist in the military. Present Levels of Performance: Currently, Janice is having difficulty following directions, per parent and teacher reports. Office records show that she has been given detention referrals at least once per month during the past year of school. Transition Service: Direct Instruction on regulating behavior as it relates to following directions. Annual Goal: Janice will increase her ability to follow directions without incident as measured by a decrease in office referrals from four times per quarter to once per quarter, by June of this year.
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