Wisconsin SMP Successful Media Activity: Podcasts in Hmong, Spanish and English Kevin Brown Wisconsin SMP Grant Manager/Trainer
Objectives of Podcasts Increase awareness of Wisconsin SMP and Medicare fraud among non-English speaking populations, targeting –Hmong –Hispanics Enhance WisconsinSMP.org as Wisconsin’s seniors’ number one resource for information about Medicare fraud. Develop useful information in a creative way that could be shared with seniors, caregivers, and professionals in various languages.
Developing and Producing the Podcasts Six topics were selected for the three to five minute audio podcasts: Medicare Overview Medicare Fraud, Errors, & Abuse What is Wisconsin SMP? Identity Theft: How to Protect Your Personal Information Wisconsin SMP Volunteers Consumer Scams Affecting Non-English Speaking Populations Scripts were written in English and translated to Hmong and Spanish. Hmong and Hispanic project partners were secured. Podcasts were recorded as mini-radio interviews. Learfield Communications assisted with content development and recording.
Reaching the Hmong Population Background Hmong is primarily a spoken language. -Written materials are not as valuable for communication. Adult children make the majority of decisions for their elders when it comes to care. Need to communicate to both audiences effectively.
Reaching the Hmong Population Securing Project Partners Wisconsin SMP staff met with representatives of the Hmong community in La Crosse in Fall Hmong community leaders translated and voiced the podcasts: –Xong Xiong - La Crosse Area Hmong Mutual Assistance Association (interviewer) –Va Thao - La Crosse County Aging Unit (interviewee)
Reaching the Hmong Population Promotion & Awareness Podcasts were posted the first week of the following months on WisconsinSMP.org: –March, April, May, June, July, August Promotional messages were aired on three radio stations carrying Hmong programming. –Designed to promote the release of each new podcast. –Aired two messages a week the first two weeks of each month. –Reached an estimated 2,000 Hmong residents.
Reaching the Hispanic Population Background Similar to approach for Hmong population. Hispanics live throughout Wisconsin but communications outlets are limited. Need to communicate to elderly who may only speak Spanish. Also need to reach adult children that may only speak English.
Reaching the Hispanic Population Securing Project Partners Wisconsin SMP developed new partners in the Hispanic community in Madison. Hispanic community members translated and voiced the podcasts: –Romilia Schlueter (interviewee) –Zaida Gamez (interviewer)
Reaching the Hispanic Population Promotion & Awareness Podcasts were posted the first week of the following months on WisconsinSMP.org: –March, April, May, June, July, August Promotional messages were aired on two Hispanic radio stations in both Madison and Milwaukee. –These two areas have the highest concentration of Hispanics in Wisconsin. –Aired six spots a week the first week of each month. –Reached an estimated audience of 20,000 Hispanics.
Reaching Other Underserved Populations (Rural) Podcasts were also recorded in English. –Released and posted online monthly March-August. Promotional spots aired statewide on Wisconsin Radio Network. –Designed to reach underserved pockets in rural Wisconsin. –Aired 10 messages a week the first week of each month – seven paid and three bonus.
Enhancement of Wisconsin SMP Website Podcasts were rolled out over time to keep the site fresh and visitors returning. Podcasts are archived on the site enhancing the site’s content and educational value.
Podcasts: Summary of Successes Extended Wisconsin SMP’s reach in Hmong, Hispanic, and rural communities. Allowed Wisconsin SMP to communicate with Hmong and Spanish seniors in their language. Developed new materials that can be incorporated into future education and training opportunities. Enhanced Wisconsin SMP’s website. Developed new project partners in the Hmong and Hispanic communities that will be useful for future collaborations.
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