Healthcare in Schools Dorothy A Gair Development Officer
Background to the Project In response to the recommendations of the ministerial taskforce on health inequalities the Scottish Government has commenced a two year project to increase health care capacity in schools starting in communities that have a high number of vulnerable children & young people.
Background to the Project It is proposed to develop an integrated model of effective health care by harnessing existing skills whilst at the same time develop new roles. It is not about more of the same but it’s an opportunity to redesign services that will provide effective health care to children & young people and their families particularly at key transition stages.
Demonstration Sites NHS Ayrshire & Arran NHS Forth Valley NHS Grampian NHS Lothian
Aspirations for Children Successful Learners Confident Individuals Effective Contributors Responsible Citizens
Policy Influences Framework for nursing in schools HALL 4 The Mental Health of Children and Young People: A Framework for Promotion, Prevention and Care Getting it Right for Every Child: Proposal for Action Delivering a Healthy Future: An Action Framework for Children and Young People’s Health in Scotland Schools(Health Promotion and Nutrition (Scotland) Act Looked After Children & Young People: We can and must do better. Better Health, Better Care: Action Plan Equally Well Curriculum for Excellence Visible, Accessible and Integrated Care “Report of the Review of Nursing in the Community”
Health Challenges Obesity Levels Drug/Alcohol Teenage Pregnancy Mental Health Issues Vulnerable Children & Young People Children & young people with special needs
Our Challenge How will increased health capacity in schools promote the health and well being of school age children & young people?
Service Redesign Provide more effective healthcare in schools Develop new models of delivery of care Ensure we have the right staff, right skills and deliver the care in the right place Use an integrated approach to service delivery Children, young people and their families and other key stakeholders involvement in the redesign
Service Redesign Ensure that children & young people can access health care services for advice & support within and out with schools Support anticipatory care. Moving away from the ill health model of working to a preventative model of working which is key to promoting the health and well-being of children and YP
Scoping Engage with key stakeholders within each demonstration site Identify Project Officers within each demonstration site Establish a steering group Set up a series of meetings/focus groups with key partners, children, young people & their families Circulate Communication Plan Develop website
Demonstration Sites Identify the Health Needs Identify the Workforce Identify the workload Identify the Training Needs Agree roll out approach within each demonstration site Develop Care Pathways
Final Steps Evaluation Final Report New model is ready to be implemented across Scotland