+ World Literature Week 25
+ Do Now: Monday, February 23 rd, 2015 INTERIM REVIEW WEEK *COU 602/702 - Ensure that a verb agrees with its subject in unusual situations -Complete the hand out at a Level 0 Be prepared to review answers, your explanations will be needed!
+ THIS WEEK: Monday – English Interim Review Day Tuesday- English Interim Review Day Wednesday – English Interim Review Day/Intro to “Ordeal by Cheque” Thursday – Reading Interim Review Day/ “Ordeal by Cheque” Group work Friday Interim
+ NO HOMEWORK THIS WEEK! Just rest for Friday’s Interim
+ English Passage I Practice
+ 15 questions, 9 minutes Watch the clock!
+ English Passage I Check Grade your own, use a different colored pen. Ask questions!
+ Lesson Planning Time Pretend you are going to tutor someone on this English Passage. Look at each question. Decide what skill is being tested (use your skill list to help) Plan a mini-lesson for at least 5 questions on how you would teach it to someone else!
+ Lesson Planning Time Look at the wrong answer choices and think of how to explain the mistakes a person might make. Create any notes or hints your student might need. You will turn this in at the end of class!
+ Lesson Planning You may use whiteboards You may bring in stuffed animals/action figures/etc. to pretend teach on Tuesday & Wednesday. Extra Credit if you actually go home, teach the lesson, bring back the work, and write a reflection!
+ Wrap Up *A few things to remember* Going through the motions: The more you invest yourself, the more you will get back. Bitterness: The only person I am hurting by holding on to this is myself. Distraction: Life is filled with distractions that will take our eyes off the prize.
+ NO HOMEWORK THIS WEEK! Just rest for Friday’s Interim
+ Do Now: Tuesday, February 24 th 2015 INTERIM REVIEW WEEK *SST 601- Sentence Combining Techniques -Complete the hand out at a Level 0 Be prepared to review answers, your explanations will be needed!
+ English Passage II Practice
+ 14 questions, 8 minutes 24 seconds Watch the clock!
+ Lesson Planning Time
+ Pretend you are going to tutor someone on this English Passage. Look at each question. Decide what skill is being tested (use your skill list to help) Plan a mini-lesson for at least 5 questions on how you would teach it to someone else!
+ Lesson Planning Time Look at the wrong answer choices and think of how to explain the mistakes a person might make. Create any notes or hints your student might need. You will turn this in at the end of class!
+ Wrap Up *A few things to remember* Ungratefulness: You have been blessed in a way greater than you realize. Fear of failure: You don’t succeed without experiencing failure. Just make sure you fail forward.
+ NO HOMEWORK THIS WEEK! Just rest for Friday’s Interim
+ Do Now: Wednesday, February 25 th 2015 INTERIM REVIEW WEEK *COP 603 Use an apostrophe to show possession, especially with irregular plural nouns -Complete the hand out at a Level 0 Be prepared to review answers, your explanations will be needed!
+ English Passage III Practice
+ 16 questions, 9 minutes 36 seconds Watch the clock!
+ Lesson Planning Time
+ “Ordeal By Cheque ” by Walter Crue
+ “Ordeal By Cheques ” by Walter Crue Originally appeared in Vanity Fair Magazine in 1932 Story told through purchase history as shown on checks
+ Ordeal – noun An extremely severe or trying test or experience
+ Reading “Ordeal by Cheque” In your assigned groups: Read through the checks Take note of dates, $ amounts, who the checks are being written to, and who is writing the checks. End Goal: Clear setting and characters, patterns/trends noted *Have one person in your group record
+ Wrap Up *A few things to remember* Blame: I am not going to pass the buck. I will take responsibility for my actions.
+ NO HOMEWORK THIS WEEK! Just rest for Friday’s Interim
+ Do Now: Thursday, February 26 th 2015 INTERIM REVIEW WEEK *COP 604 Use a semicolon to indicate a relationship between closely related and independent clauses -Complete the hand out at a Level 0 Be prepared to review answers, your explanations will be needed!
+ READING Passage Practice
+ 10 questions, 8 minutes WATCH THE CLOCK
+ “Ordeal By Cheques ” by Walter Crue
+ Early 1900’s
+ Reading “Ordeal by Cheque” In your assigned groups: Create a list of characters in “Ordeal by Cheque” Determine who is the protagonist, antagonist, supporting characters, etc. Give at least two characteristics to each character.
+ Reading “Ordeal by Cheque” In your assigned groups: Create a plot map of the story – What is the exposition, rising action, CLIMAX! falling action, and resolution? *Combine both your characters and plot map on the poster paper to present!
+ “Ordeal by Cheque” Presentations Listen as other groups present their “Ordeal by Cheque” characters and plot map. We will continue with this story next week! *Short Stories & Poetry Portfolio assigned next week as well!
+ Wrap Up *A few things to remember* Entitlement: The world does not owe me anything.
+ NO HOMEWORK THIS WEEK! Just rest for Friday’s Interim