Year 6 English Term 1, 2015 A Poetry Name:________________ ______
Free Verse
Poetry Portfolio Objective: This portfolio is the final assessment to conclude our unit on poetry. The goal of this assessment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the three types of poetry by showcasing original and creative examples of a limerick, ballad and free verse poem. Your Poetry Portfolio will need to include the following: SIX poems your have written during the course of our unit. You must include your draft copy and improved edited copy of your limerick, ballad and free verse poem. Each MUST include examples of figurative language techniques such as personification, imagery, similes, alliteration, rhyme, onomatopoeia etc. Each example should be underlined and labeled. Your Poetry Portfolio can be presented in any manner that your choose, however it must be neat, well organized and include a contents list. Due Date: Week 9 – Thursday 26 th March
Poetry Portfolio Criteria EmergingDevelopingDemonstratingExtending Making Connections Beyond Limerick My limerick was not written with the appropriate language features. My limerick was written with some appropriate language features. My limerick was written with the appropriate language features. My limerick was original and written with the appropriate language features. My limerick was original, creative and written with the appropriate language features. Ballad My ballad was not written with the appropriate language features. My ballad was written with some appropriate language features. My ballad was written with the appropriate language features. My ballad was original and written with the appropriate language features. My ballad was original, emotive and written with the appropriate language features. Free Verse Poem My free verse poem was not written with the appropriate language features. My free verse poem was written with some appropriate language features. My free verse poem was written with the appropriate language features. My free verse poem was original and written with the appropriate language features. My free verse poem was original, creative and written with the appropriate language features. Figurative Language I did not include examples of figurative language in each type of poetry. I included examples of figurative language in each type of poetry. I included underlined and labeled examples of figurative language in each type of poetry. I included multiple underlined and labeled examples of figurative language in each type of poetry. Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation There was no evidence of editing in my final copy of each poem. My edited poetry included many spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. My edited poetry included mostly accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation. My edited poetry included accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation. Overall Presentation My Poetry Portfolio was not presented in a neat or organized way. My Poetry Portfolio was presented in a neat, semi- organized fashion. My Poetry Portfolio was presented in a neat and organized way. My Poetry Portfolio was presented in a neat, organized and well thought out manner. My Poetry Portfolio was presented in a neat, creative organized and well thought out manner.
Poetry Party Oral Presentation Checklist Stood Tall Spoke loudly and clearly Used pause, pace and expression Used eye contact effectively Overall Comments