Indoor and outdoor location and tracking for
SafetyNet Locator provides an opportunity for dealers to add value to existing systems or up-sell an opportunity. Market opportunity for location services provides; Accountability and improved management of staff movements Enhanced safety can enable more lone working Applications can be devised for regulating proximity of radio users to hazards SafetyNet Locator provides a means of turning a radio scheme into a considerably more versatile tool with tangible end user advantages leading to operator cost savings
Radio users can be tracked seamlessly between indoor zonal schematics and outdoor maps Indoor tracking: a Locator Receiver module device is fitted to handsets, detecting users’ movement via strategically placed beacons around a site. Beacons: fixed zones in strategically positioned locations to cover all key areas or routes of movement Outdoor Tracking: Outdoor positioning is provided by radio units equipped with GPS receivers.
Locator Receiver Module for Hytera PD705 and PD785 Key Features Fits into the standard accessory connector 3.5mm jack socket for audio accessories Sealed to IP54 Tracking or polled modes of operation depending on bandwidth Programmable for future upgrades.
Key Features Fits into the internal port under the battery Completely covert and compact Tracking or polled modes of operation depending on bandwidth Programmable for future upgrades. Hytera X1e internal Locator Receiver board
Position information is received to display radio users’ locations and status updates on a set of maps or schematic diagrams. Multiple media types supported: Outdoor Ordinance Survey Street maps (United Kingdom) GPS maps exported from OpenStreetMaps or similar and held in local cache Indoor Zone Maps Overhead photographs CAD generated schematics Annotated drawings Internet connection is not required for maps
Outdoor GPS: a precise position is shown on the appropriate map(s). Indoor location: users will be shown within a boundary or zone defined on one or several schematics Advanced Features - SafetyNet Digital – Audio dispatch, management functions – Location to text or audio messaging – Status to voice or text facility triggered by an alarm or status messages – Digital outputs for CCTV trigger on alarm – Geo-fencing and proximity detection
Wireless Beacons Key Features Battery operated with 2-5 year lifetime Mains power version available Wirelessly programmable Small and compact with minimal installation Indoor or outdoor variants High security version with tamper and high capacity battery
Configuration Services A range of services to assist sales partners : On site survey to provide a detailed plan and inventory based on customer need Onsite services as required Dealer and agent training Commissioning and tuning of system Preparation of maps and programming services After sales support Remote support
Sales Partners welcome We are now actively seeking Sales Partners in specific market areas to help you develop your business opportunities with the benefit of our experience and technology. Smaller and individual project may be handled through our UK distributor SafetyNet Locator is part of our SafetyNet Digital product range which provides the handling of the radio technologies with facilities for managing audio and data services. Contact Steve Clarke for further details on See our website at