IN GENERAL In English, to change a singular noun, like a dog, to plural, we have to add 's'. So we have 'a dog' which is one, and 'dogs' which is more than one. However, there are different spelling rules for adding 's' to the plural nouns.
MOST NOUNS For most nouns, we just add ‘s’. PluralSingular boysboy jeepsjeep clocksclock chairschair starsstar
FOR NOUNS ENDING IN S, X, Z, CH OR SH For nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, sh or ‘o’ we add ‘es’. PluralSingular boxesbox princessesprincess watcheswatch quizzesquiz dishesdish potatoespotato
NOUNS ENDING IN CONSONANT AND Y For nouns ending in consonant and ‘y’, we drop the ‘y’ and add ‘ies’. PluralSingular babiesbaby ladieslady fliesfly But for nouns ending in vowel and ‘y’, we just add ‘s’. PluralSingular boysboy daysday
NOUNS ENDING IN F For nouns ending in ‘f’ or ‘fe’, we drop the ‘f’ or ‘fe’ and add ‘ves’. PluralSingular shelvesshelf wolveswolf leavesleaf halveshalf 1/2 2/4 3/6
IRREGULAR PLURALS Like everything in English, there are irregular plurals too. PluralSingular menman womenwoman childrenchild teethtooth feetfoot fish sheep micemouse