MMR is meant to prevent three types of diseases the first is Mumps. Mumps is a viral disease that spreads from person to person by sneezing or coughing. The symptoms of Mumps is low grade fever, tenderness and swelling of salivary glands. Symptoms occur 12 to 25 days after exposure. People that should be vaccinated are children, adults born in 1957 or later, college and university students. People that should not be vaccinated are pregnant women and cancer patients The reason the vaccine is given is to fool the body into thinking that your body is being attack by this disease it can build up a defense mechanism Side affects of this vaccination is dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, and headaches.
Measles are the second reason for the vaccination of MMR. - The symptoms show between 8-11 days, the rash starts from your h\forehead down to your feet. The vaccine prevents you from being terribly ill. People that should be vaccinated is everybody except for pregnant women. Side effects of the vaccine are swolen eye dislike of light and feeling tired. A person should be vaccinated twice in their lifetime.
Rubella is the third reason for vaccination of MMR another name for rubella is German Measles the exposure stars three days and is an infection of lymph nodes and can get this disease from a fever. Symptoms in adults show headache loss of appetite runny nose pain in joints Symptoms for children are 1 or 2 days of mild fever swollen lymph nodes second day a rash appear on the face and works downwards. The vaccination should be given to children months and should be given years of age. It should be given to pregnant women. Medical dangers found in pregnant women and leads to miscarriages and can cause congenital rubella syndrome in babies