Professor KI-JONG RHEE Teaching assistant MIN HO LEE
Mouse Anatomy Diaphragm ( 횡격막 ) Thoracic cavity ( 흉강 ) Peritoneal cavity ( 복강 ) Thoracic cavity Thyroid ( 갑상선 ) Trachea ( 기관 ) Lungs Heart Thymus ( 흉선 ) Esophagus ( 식도 ) Peritoneal cavity Gastrointestinal tract ( 위장관 ) Liver Spleen ( 비장 ) Pancreas ( 췌장 ) Kidney Bladder ( 방광 ) Reproductive organs ( 생식기관 )
Human organs Thyroid( 갑상선 ) Regulates rate of metabolism
Human organs Heart Pumps blood
Human organs Lung
Human organs Liver
Human organs Stomach ( 위 )
Human organs Ovaries ( 난소 ) Fallopian tubes ( 수란관 ) Uterus ( 자궁 )
Human organs Spleen ( 비장 )
Human organs Kidney
Biopsy methods Surgical biopsy (incision, excision) Punch biopsy ( 펀치생검 ) Needle biopsy ( 침생검 ) Needle aspiration biopsy ( 천자흡인생검 ) Curettage ( 소파생검 ) Cone biopsy ( 원추생검 )
Surgical biopsy Incision – part of the lesion Excision - whole lesion eg.) Skin, lymph node, breast, muscle
Punch biopsy Tissues close to the surface of the body eg.) skin, cervix Endoscopic biopsy eg.) gastrointestinal tract, bronchial tube, lung 절제겸자
Needle biopsy Tissues deep inside the body eg.) liver, kidney
Needle aspiration biopsy Draw sample fluid and tissues from a lump eg.) bone marrow, breast, lymph node, thyroid, lung, prostate
Curettage Scrape tissues with curett eg.) endometrium
Cone biopsy For cervical tissue biopsy
Fixation Purpose Maintain structure of cell components Prevent decomposition Prevent autolysis Solidization Help dyes stain Fixatives Properties of fixatives Ingredients of fixatives
Decalcification Fixation-Washing-Defatting-Decalcification-Washing ( 고정 - 수세 - 탈지 - 탈회 ) Decalcification reagents Acid reagents ○ 5% nitric acid (fast) ○ 10% formic acid (most widely used) ○ Plank-Rychlo (formic acid+HCl) Chelating agents (less damage, enzyme, EM, slow) ○ 10% EDTA sol. ○ EDTA-Glycerol sol.
Decalcification How to facilitate decalcification Agitation Heating Removing calcium in the solution When do you finish decalcification X-ray identification Calcium oxalate test ○ Ca ion(decalcification sol.) + amm. Oxalate -> calcium oxalate(precipitation) ○ in the test tube Physically ○ Pushing, poking, cutting