CaroMont Surgical Associates
Location and Access XCaroMont Surgical Associates (X)is located on the third floor of the Gaston Professional Center. This building is attached to CRMC XOutpatient Surgery Center (X) is located in the same building Easy access off I-85 Free parking x x
Our Surgical Staff Anthony P. Borzotta, MD FACS Special Area of Interest: Trauma and Critical Care Surgery James “Kris” Harley, DO Special Area of Interest: Endoscopy, Trauma, Critical Care Advanced Laparoscopy and Colorectal Surgery Jeffrey S. Molle, MD Special Area of Interest: Gastric, Colon and Trauma Surgery
Our Surgical Staff DeMar A.Neal III, MD Special Areas of Interest: Endoscopy, Acute Care and Gallbladder Surgery Anthony E. Raspanti, MD Special Areas of Interest: Trauma, Critical Care, Laparoscopic Surgery, Endocrinologic and Hernia Surgery James “Doug” Reid, MD Special Areas of Interest: Colon, Endoscopy, Laparoscopic Surgery and Hernia Surgery
Our Surgical Staff Graydon Stallard, DO Special Areas of Interest: Trauma, Critical Care, Endocrinologic Surgery, Hernia Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, and Endoscopy
Our Advanced Care Practitioners Koren Flemming, PA-CKimberly McKenny, NP
Our Services Thyroidectomies Parathyroidectomies Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication Laparoscopic and Open Ventral/Umbilical Hernia Repair Laparoscopic and Open Inguinal Hernia Repair Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Laparoscopic Appendectomy Laparoscopic and Open Colon/Small Bowel Excision for any Indication Laparoscopic Diverting Colostomy Gastric Surgeries Laparoscopic Lymph Node Biopsies (intra-peritoneal) Diagnostic Laparoscopy
Our Services Percutaneous Gastrostomy Tube Placement (PEG tube) Percutaneous and Open Tracheostomy EGD and Colonoscopy Amputations (below knee and above knee) Denver Shunt Placement for Ascites Control in Medically Optimized Patients Skin Grafting IF YOU HAVE A PATIENT WITH AN ISSUE THAT YOU FEEL IS SURGICAL, PLEASE CALL US! IF WE CAN NOT HANDLE THE ISSUE, WE WILL SEND YOUR PATIENT TO THE PEOPLE WHO CAN!
Our Services Hemorrhoid Surgeries –THD (Transanal Hemorrhoidal Dearterialization –PPH (Procedure for Prolapsed Hemorrhoids) –Lancing of Thrombosed Hemorrhoids –Traditional External Hemorrhoidectomy –Internal Hemorrhoidal Banding Lumps and Bumps –Hidradenitis Suppurativa (lancing and excision) –Pilonidal Cystectomy –Lymph Node Biopsy (outside of the abdomen) Abscesses (including peri-rectal) –Removal of Perianal Condyloma via CO2 Laser and Excision –Laceration repair –Excision of skin lesions Port-a-Cath Placement and Removal –Removal is done in our office
Nissen Fundoplication For Treatment of Symptomatic Hiatal Hernias Needs Gastroenterology Evaluation Pre-op - we can arrange your patient’s visit to GI if they have not already seen them –EGD –pH monitoring –Esophagram to asses esophageal function Depending on the results, patient may only be a candidate for a partial wrap Post-op Expectations –Patient will be started on Clear Liquids on Post-Op Day #1 and advanced to a soft diet as tolerated –After two weeks post-op, a regular diet can be started. Carbonated beverages are NOT recommended post-op –Typical length of stay in the hospital is 2-4 days post-op –Pain is easily controlled with PO medications
Parathyroid/Thyroid Surgery Established relationships with the Endocrinologists Patient post-op partnership Labs and imaging studies ordered as needed
Parathyroid/Thyroid Surgery What to Expect: Typical Incisions –Parathyroid: 3 - 4cm shirt collar incision in a natural skin crease if possible Despite radiologic evidence of only one adenoma, all 4 glands will be explored –Thyroid: 4 – 6cm shirt collar incision in a natural skin crease if possible (may need to be extended in the event of a very large goiters) Drains are VERY rarely placed by our surgeons and the incisions are closed with your patient’s cosmesis in mind Your patient will be admitted to the hospital overnight for both surgeries –To trend calcium levels (immediately post-op and post-op day 1) Patients will be placed on a clear liquid diet immediately post-op and advanced to regular diet as tolerated Pain is easily controlled with oral medications
Patient Satisfaction Scores - HealthStream Insights on Demand Report by Category CSA Top BoxHSTM DB Top BoxHSTM DB Top Box Percentile Rank Getting Timely Appointments, Care and Information 77.4%63.2%90 How Well Providers Communicate with Patients 95.9%86.5%96 Patients Rating of the Provider 91.9%81.9%91
Access and Referral Process For questionable or urgent referrals, please call our provider line at This line is open Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm to assist you