All things BUCS: Team Sports and Individual Entries
What is BUCS? BUCS – British Universities & Colleges Sport NGB for HE Sport in the UK Vision – To enhance the student experience through sport Deliver more than 50 sports to over 170 HE and FE institutions Over 4800 University and College Teams compete over the academic year Over 100 Championship Events take place over the academic year
BUCS at YSJ 2014/15 Finished 83 rd overall with 262 BUCS points 27 YSJ Teams competed in BUCS Leagues and Trophies Over 25 Individual Athletes represented YSJ at their respective competitions Highlights Included: Netball 1 st – League Winners / Playoff Finalists Rugby League – League and Cup Winners Men’s Futsal – League and Cup Winners Netball 4 th – League Winners Men’s Football 2 nd – League Winners Judo – Silver Medal in Men’s U60kg Cycling – Bronze Medal in Women’s Hill Climb
BUCS at YSJ 2015/16 SportGenderTeamLeague BadmintonMale1stNorthern 5B BadmintonMale2ndNorthern 5B BadmintonFemale1stNorthern 2B BasketballMale1stNorthern 3B BasketballFemale1stNorthern 3B Cricket (Indoor)Male1stNorthern B Cricket (Outdoor)Male1stTBC Cricket (Outdoor)Male2ndTBC FootballMale1stNorthern 3B FootballMale2ndNorthern 4B FootballMale3rdNorthern 5D FootballMale4thNorthern 6B FootballMale5thNorthern 7B FootballFemale1stNorthern 3B FutsalMale1st N orthern 1B FutsalMale2ndNorthern 2B FutsalFemale1stNorthern 1B GolfMixed1stNorthern 3B HockeyMale1stNorthern 3B HockeyFemale1stNorthern 3B NetballFemale1stNorthern 1A NetballFemale2ndNorthern 7B NetballFemale3rdNorthern 8B NetballFemale4thNorthern 8B NetballFemale5thNorthern 9B Rugby LeagueMale1stNorthern 1A Rugby UnionMale1stNorthern 3B Rugby UnionFemale1stNorthern 2B SwimmingMixed1stNorthern Division 3 Table TennisMale1stNorthern 3B TennisMale1stNorthern 5B TennisFemale1stNorthern 3B VolleyballMale1stNorthern 3B VolleyballFemale1stNorthern 3B Water PoloMale1stNorthern 2B Water PoloFemale1stNorthern 2B Ultimate FrisbeeMale1stNorthern 2B
Now the Admin….. BUCS Wednesday Teams - Fixture Sheets - Team Sheets - Result / Score Card (inc. Sport Specific) - PUP Forms - Match Officials BUCS Individuals - Finding Events - Entering Club Members
Fixture Sheets
Team Sheets Team sheets MUST be completed before the start of every BUCS fixture (League / Cup) Please fully complete the team sheet, this includes: - Completing the top box - Complete YSJ side (whether this be home / away) - Swapping sheets with opposition so they can fill in the team names - Verifying opposition team names (student cards / BUCS cards) - Signing of the team sheet by officials / captains - Stating whether you are playing under protest Some teams will also have sport specific team sheets that need to be completed (Rugby League) Team sheets must be brought to the Students’ Union (SU 104) by 12pm the day after you BUCS fixture
Results / Score Cards Results sheets MUST be completed at the end of every BUCS fixture (League / Cup) Please fully complete the results / scorecard, it is really important to make sure you get the results card signed by the officials and the opposition so other Universities cannot dispute scores after the fixture has finished Results cards must be brought to the Students’ Union (SU 104) by 12pm the day after you BUCS fixture Badminton – Must also complete the NGB scorecard Rugby League – Must also complete sport specific scorecard
Playing Under Protest Form Playing under protest forms MUST only be completed when necessary, please phone the Sport Coordinator before you complete a PUP Form When should I play under protest? If you are completing a PUP form it must be completed and signed by the opposition captain before the game starts The opposition cannot refuse to sign a playing under protest form Once the form is completed please keep it safe and hand it in with all other documents the day after your fixture prior to 12pm What if another opposition plays under protest against us?
Match Officials As detailed in the BUCS Captain Pack, it is YOUR responsibility to organise match officials Please use the BUCS Match Official Requirement document when organising officials If you are still unsure about Official Requirements for your team / sport please contact me prior to the BUCS Season starting (14 th October) When confirming with officials try and get it in writing (ideally over ) You should have a list of officials from last years captain that you have used in the past. If not, please get in touch with last years captain for officials contact details. If you still stuck, please contact me, prior to the start of the BUCS Season and I will assist you in find contact details for match officials
Finding Events All you need to do is check the BUCS calendar (I also do this and will inform relevant club captains of upcoming events)
Entering Individuals Once you have found an event, let me know and I will let you know exactly what information I need from the individuals competing When all the necessary information is gathered, me and we will arrange a mutually convenient time for you to come into the office to enter individuals Please make sure you let me know well in advance to avoid disappointment. I will struggle to enter individuals into events on short notice!
Please text with your full name and the team you are captaining For Example: Matt Walton, Men’s Football 2 nd