Making Sense of the Ever-Changing LED Technology FMA Future Facilities Summit in Chicago May 28, 2015
“Light is the means by which human beings see themselves, each other, and their place in the universe. Light is an essential part of culture and art and is the unifying symbol for the world.” – 2015 is the Year of Light
— No LED Scenario 14% Savings 40% Savings DOE: Energy Savings Forecast of SSL in General Illumination Applications LINKLINK Marketplace Adoption
Data Services LED Fixtures and Lamps Core Fixture and Lamps Industry’s Transformation in Size $5.1B$13.5B $28.3 B — technology advancement DOE: Energy Savings Forecast of SSL in General Illumination Applications LINKLINK
ISO ANSI NEMAIESNAUL DOE, EPA, DLC, Energy Star State Codes U.S. Regulations & SSL Programs DOE: Energy Savings Forecast of SSL in General Illumination Applications LINKLINK
Immediate Energy Savings Long-term Operational Savings Improved Quality of Light Control, Task Tuning Intelligent Lighting Environmentally Friendly Why Consider LED?
Lumens are no Longer a Measuring Stick Initial Cost vs. “Useful Life” LM-70 vs. LED Driver Life Warranty vs. Quality Relying on Printed Material Common Pitfalls
Recommended Practice for the Economic Analysis of Lighting: LINKLINK Lifecycle Cost System Input Watts Initial Lumens Fluorescent, (3) 48" F32T8 lamps, Instant Start Ballast, NLO (0.85 < BF < 0.95) 812,600 Fluorescent, (3) 48" LED T8 lamps, Instant Start Ballast, NLO (0.85 < BF < 0.95) 542,200 Annual Operating Hours: 5,000 Average kWh: 0.11 Labor Unit Price: 3.50 Annual Savings: Project Price: Utility Rebate: Net Project Price: Capital Payback: ROI : 10 Yr NPV: 5 Yr IRR: % 45 % $
Change is Inevitable; Progress is Optional. #LED #FMAChicago Stay Educated Create a Relationship with your Professional Lighting Provider Approach Every Project from a Life Cycle Cost Perspective