The plan for today…. A quick explanation for why the Mensheviks thought Russia wasn’t ready for a revolution Source analysis on the problems in Russian society in 1900 Source analysis on Nicholas – fit to be Tsar?
Hallo, ich bin Karl Marx. Ich bin der Vater des Kommunismus Wrote “The Communist Manifesto” in 1848 Karl’s big idea = History develops in stages… 1.Feudalism – King/Emperor rules, supported by elites; peasants are exploited… 2.Capitalism/Industrialism – middle classes take more power (e.g. through Parliaments) – middle class grows rich by exploiting workers… 3.Working Class Revolution!!! – workers take power from the Middle classes 4.Socialism – national wealth shared more equally 5.Communism – perfect harmonious living; no-one is exploited, no need for a central Government… Mensheviks Bolsheviks
Using the handout study the text and sources and answer… Qs 3-7 on p. 7 Qs 1+2 on p. 9 Then answer this question in 2+ full paras: “How wide was the gap between rich and poor in Russia in the early 1900s and why was this a problem for the Tsar?” How large was the gap between rich and poor?
Work in pairs or threes…. Read the sources on page and complete the activity at the bottom of p. 14. [If you finish that very quickly go back and answer the questions on page 12-13] Not fit to rule??
The Land of the Tsars – Nicholas II